That’s the best part. It’s actually the same name either way. They just pronounce “dipshit” different than we do is all.
That’s the best part. It’s actually the same name either way. They just pronounce “dipshit” different than we do is all.
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that many many people are driving around on tires that are way below minimum acceptable tread wear here in California. Some of them just don’t understand. Some are incompetent. Some are poor.
When I recently got all 4 of my tires replaced I watched the tire techs warn several customers that the tread on their tires was too low and every single one of them said they couldn’t afford new tires right now so rotate them and let them leave.
A tire tax would likely just increase the number of people trying to stretch a tire way past it’s recommended minimum tread depth for safety in order to save money. This would have a negative effect on road safety in the long run.
Not to mention it would also just incentivise people to put on the hardest and longest lasting rubber they can find meaning that in cold or wet conditions they will have significantly worse performance again leading to more accidents.
The tire tax idea seems like a very bad idea.
…the company that is having trouble keeping it’s doors attached to its airliners.
Another Bang up choice from King Cheeto.
Because the people protesting represent in the single digit percentages of the voter base of America. An extremely vocal minority, but still a minority of Americans.
Boy who cried wolf situation. Protesting every single thing endlessly for years on end has made the average person stop caring about whatever you’re protesting about. Not saying it’s right but that is how many people view continual protesting.
The far left protests lost most of their corporate backing this time around. As soon as the bean counters up top realized that pandering to the social stuff on the left wasn’t going to net them record profits they all dropped supporting the issues like a bad habit. They saw the popular vote change and they all dropped their masks immediately. Remember this in 10 years when the balance swings back again and you see target suddenly pretending to give a shit about gay right again or whatever it is at that time. They only ever cared about money.
Lack of unified direction of protests. There are tons of local and small group protests as many people have linked in the comments, but outside of these small tight-knit online communities planning these things the general public has absolutely no clue any of them are happening. There isn’t a single unifying “thing” to rally around like the BLM protests had with George Floyd. When the angry mob can’t direct their anger all in the same direction it loses power.
Since modern media runs on outrage (clicks) and they have seen that most people don’t care anymore they have moved onto other things in order to generate the clicks they want to make the money for the big guy.
I love ordering food delivery, but I’m sorry if you gotta finance your food order you shouldn’t be ordering it for delivery.
Do you carry this same logic over to additional firearms laws or do laws suddenly stop criminals in that argument?
Some people get way too comfortable because they only ever run into people whos default reaction is “flight” because they forget that there is another reaction type that some of us have called “fight”.
My little brothers learned really fast that jumpscare “pranks” on me were a bad idea because when someone jumps out at me I tend to react by striking. Probably because I had an older brother growing up that “jumped” me all the time going up so I got used to doing things that way.
This is why I just stay home on Saint Patrick’s day. Green is my favorite color and I pretty much never wear it, but if some random person pinches me I am very likely to react by punching them.
I hate being touched by people I don’t know. Holiday be damned.
I keep my Grinch ass home.
I miss when I would wake up and check the news and nothing particularly crazy was going on. Like you would click on the TV and they are talking about a zoo that recently got a baby giraffe or something.
Gex should have cursed whenever you took damage for sure.