I’m looking for a good on the eyes font that suport a feel special characters like ç, ã and í. It also need to have a easy difference between 0/O and I/l. Sorry if this is not the best place to ask this.
Edit: thank you everyone for the answers, i will use fira code on my terminal and intel one mono on my text editor.
I might be wrong but I thought the official version only had “Powerline with extra symbols”. Not Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Weather, Devicons, Octicons, Font Logos, Pomicons, or Codeicons?
I have no idea, it had powerline symbols, I’m, curious though, what uses all those extra icons? O.o
Heres a diagram of what the whole nerd-font set contains: https://www.nerdfonts.com/assets/img/sankey-glyphs-combined-diagram.png
I’m using it for my oh-my-posh theme and posh-git. Showing icons for git status and product icon for the remote service (github/bitbucket/azure). There are also themes that uses the weather icons, I’ve seen. And probably a bunch of other uses for someone more creative than me.