We all have that one game that holds a special place in our hearts. What game is it for you?

For me, it’s Metal Slug. Growing up, every Monday, my parents would drag me to the laundromat after work. As a kid, it was a pretty boring, but I had my toys, origami books, and coloring books to keep me entertained. However, my favorite thing to do was playing the Metal Slug arcade machine with my dad.

My dad was great at the game, and he taught me how to play. Though I improved, I could never keep up. When I’d inevitably die, he’d let me take over his side to let me have a bit more playtime. My favorite part was when he’d share stories from when he lived in another country and would go to the local arcade.

Those moments are cherished memories, and even today, whenever I visit an arcade, Metal Slug is the first game I play, despite still being terrible at it haha

Honorable mention goes to Mario 64, another game that holds a special place in my heart. I got an N64 from a garage sale, and playing Mario 64 while at home, with my mom’s “chore” music in the background ignited my love for gaming

  • ClaireDeLuna@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s hard to really pinpoint just one game…but I would argue Skyrim is my nearest and dearest. 10k hours of playtime since release, haven’t played for nearly 2 years but I still keep tabs on mods in the event I go back (I will).

    I was maybe 12 when I first played Skyrim, roughly a year after it was released and I was enthralled by it. By that age the most “expansive” game I’d played was maybe Minecraft (Beta 1.7.3). I think it might’ve been my first open world game?

    Either way, the music, the questing, the exploration and detail in the worlds always held my ADHD brain’s attention well. I saw the flaws, sure. However I thoroughly enjoyed that janky buggy game more than any other thing out there for a long long while.

    Right behind Skyrim would have to be Dishonored. It’s actually one of the only two games I’ve gotten a physical PC copy for. But the lore, story, and vibes of the game were genuinely so cool to me. I replayed that and the games sequels several times now.

    Minecraft holds a close place in my heart too, I generally come back to it once a year for a nice, lightly modded hardcore playthrough. It especially helps me with creativity, since I get to build something without it feeling like work.

    But yeah, Skyrim will always hold a place in my heart, and to a level it even influenced parts of my younger personality.