Title, basically. I know I have issues, but I couldn’t say if it’s depression, ADD, or just general problems. Is the only reason to have a diagnosis so you know what to work on, or are there other benefits such as easier access to therapy?

My question is meant specifically for Canada, but feel free to chip in from other countries. :)

  • BCsven@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    A professional, or team of, can pin point what is up. knowing the underlying issue can help find you treatments or medicine specific to your needs. Really though it depends on how well you cope with life/work/friends, because if you get by and it ia not hindering your enjoyment of life, then treatment meds may not be a priority. i have known a few people where they got adhd meds and found it life changing, and some with depression meds got them out of a deep funk.