Chinese scientists have discovered a “brand-new method” of producing large quantities of water using lunar soil brought back from a 2020 expedition, state broadcaster CCTV reported on Thursday.

    1 month ago

    I’m confident that Americans will find someone else to blame.

    Maybe they’ll blame the Woke scientists and engineers. Maybe they’ll insist they were sabotaged by the nefarious Chinese or insidious Russian agents. Maybe they’ll complain that Liberal Arts Colleges aren’t giving them enough STEM majors to make it happen.

    They are still using mostly the same NASA tech used in Apollo mission 50 years ago…

    At some level, there’s only so many ways to escape the gravity well. But it is curious to see that we’ve still never really tried the more classic proposed solution of building launch sites in the high altitude equatorial regions to reducing launch costs.

    Space travel is still just a sinecure for big business.