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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • you are part of a group of people who intentionally misrepresent

    No, I am not. Every institution of higher education in the country receives money from the federal government or state government, but that doesn’t make them centers for brainwashing students or pumping out propaganda. One organization having a relationship with or a connection to another does not mean that one organization controls another. It is not evidence of a conspiracy. The planet is not controlled by the Koch brothers, George Soros, and/or the lizard people.

  • NPR receives grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

    According to CPB, in 2009 11.3% of the aggregate revenues of all public radio broadcasting stations were funded from federal sources, principally through CPB; in 2012 10.9% of the revenues for Public Radio came from federal sources.

    Funding isn’t held hostage for the purpose of controlling content or anything like that, but NPR receives funds from the CPB, and the CPB receives funds from the government. I’m not sure why believing otherwise is so important to you.