Back when I still took the bus to school, all the buses where and still are electric. Great to see it being nationwide!
Back when I still took the bus to school, all the buses where and still are electric. Great to see it being nationwide!
Sadly its been discontinued😔
Tbh, I’ve heard more y’alls in the San Francisco Bay Area than in Texas (I’ve live din both). Granted I lived in an immigrant-heavy place in Texas that I didn’t even live in for that long.
Not to mention linguists. I read a book (Because Internet, by Gretchen McCulloch, great read) that cited many studies that used Twitter as their primary source. Basically, the linguists used Tweets as a way to understand how people talk causally on the internet; what is more causal than a Tweet?
New neofetch just dropped
I’m pretty sure the original Accidental Renaissance subreddit allowed Baroque and maybe Impressionist images, correct me if I’m wrong.
I’m Indian, and pretty much anybody who comes over is Indian too, and almost every time we have someone over its like 30 minutes from first goodbye to actually leaving. I love it, but it can get annoying.