I am not, so I guess that explains it. Thanks!
I am not, so I guess that explains it. Thanks!
Am I the only one who’s never used a plunger (and never needed to)?
What kind of phrasing is this? “Diablo 4 feature”? Saved you a click: they’re talking about a transmog system that exists in many, many other games.
But according to the article 70% of the money they make from music is already going to record labels and publishers, so what exactly is Spotify supposed to do here to give more money to the artists?
The sun is still the sun in this comparison. Its not like “you” is the source of light here. The back of your eye is the ant, and the lens of your eye is the magnifying glass.
They… They showed Mirage gameplay at the Ubisoft Forward back in June: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mxpYHW-M_Ac&pp=ygUgYXNzYXNzaW4ncyBjcmVlZCBtaXJhZ2UgZ2FtZXBsYXk%3D
How is this Microsoft’s fault?
Haven’t there always been rules about only 1 piece of carry-on, and there were limits for its size? It was simply never checked. Resulting in overhead boxes being full because some people brought multiple bags, resulting in some people being unable to store their stuff overhead. They’re just enforcing the rules now right? Or has something actually changed?