Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Tbf everyone there was violating curfew. The only one who arguably had a legitimate reason was Rosenbaum, being let out of a mental facility after threatening suicide for being caught touching his GF’s underage son, because the hospital decided to discharge him right into an active riot. One could also argue that none of this would have happened without that, and also none of this would have happened if Rosenbaum hadn’t tried to kill anyone, and that this wouldn’t have happened had the police not shot Jacob Blake for kidnapping kids while armed with a knife, and that this would never have happened had Blake simply not kidnapped any kids or had a knife.

    We could play this game all day, frankly. I lean more towards “Rosenbaum shouldn’t have attacked him screaming I’m going to fucking kill you and this never would have happened,” personally.

  • The only thing that would worry me is that he doesn’t have to love the FSB (used to be KGB), he just has to love not being thrown out of a window enough to comply with whatever they may wish, like oh say a Russian state owned Trojan not being detected by it or something. Not that they’re definitely doing that, but the possibility isn’t 0%.

    I mean it’s basically the same reason I don’t trust much of the US based proprietary software, just %s/FSB/CIA/g, the only real reason to trust one over the other is if you trust either agency more than the other IMO, otherwise distrust both.

  • The problem comes in with

    All of the threats that Kyle encountered was in response to the fact that he was playing Timmy Toughguy and actively strolling around with a gun

    Perhaps this may surprise you, but you are not legally justified in trying to kill someone just because they have a gun. Also not allowed to kill someone who has just legally defended themselves in a deadly force encounter, that is for the court system to decide. It is legal to get involved in third party encounters, however you best be sure you’re not helping the side that will later be declared the aggressor in court and so it is generally seen as very risky to do.

    If at any point he ran - and kept running, or dropped the gun and ran, fully retreating from the crowd I doubt he would have been chased too far and the need to shoot would have been eliminated

    Ok at this point it may behoove you to actually look at at least the videos of the incident if not the whole trial which was streamed. He did run. He walked by a car, Rosenbaum popped out screaming “I’m going to kill you,” Kyle runs, chase ensues, Kyle gets cornered and turns around to find Rosenbaum reaching for the gun, Kyle shoots Rosenbaum 4x, makes a phone call, the crowd yells “he just shot that dude, get him,” Kyle starts running again, unknown man hits him with a rock in the back of the head which downs Kyle, Kyle rolls over and misses Jump Kick Man, then another dude walks up but surrenders when Kyle points his rifle (but didn’t fire), then Huber hits him with a skateboard and gets shot attempting to take Kyle’s rifle, then Grosskreutz feigns surrender and pulls out a gun he wasn’t legally allowed to own pointing it at Kyle, Kyle shoots, Gabe backs off, Kyle gets up and goes to the line of police cars right up the road who give him a bottle of water and tell him to go home, he turns himself in the next day.

    Again, you can’t “disarm someone” who is legally carrying a gun, that is illegal to do and constitutes a deadly threat, and if he shoots you for trying he will get off.

    But he didn’t retreat as he was being threatened -

    But he did, at every opportunity and by all definitions he retreated until he was cornered and then again until he was downed by a rock to the back of his head.

    “The aggressor” isn’t whoever you decide, it’s the guy screaming “I’m going to fucking kill you” while chasing you through a parking lot.

  • Heads up, clubs, maces, and melee weapons are all classified as deadly weapons by the US gov because it is easy to kill people with them. Take a CCW class (you’re not obligated to actually go through with getting the permit by just taking the class), it teaches you the laws regarding self defense in your area, including things like “blunt objects, knives, and significant disparity of force (like say 3 v 1), are all considered “deadly threats” and you’re allowed to defend yourself with equal opposing force (which is to say “deadly force.”)”

  • Actually we have a pretty clear course of events from earlier in the night that helps paint a picture of why it started, though with Rosenbaum dead we can never “know,” we at least have some clues. Kyle was dressed similarly to another dude who put out Rosenbaum’s dumpster fire at the gas station from the “Shoot me N-word” video (the difference being that dude had a plate carrier while kyle did not). Rosenbaum and his friend Ziminski continued to start fires throughout the night, and at one point Kyle runs by alone. Rosenbaum then steps from behind the car he was hiding behind (as seen on the FBI drone footage) and initiates the chase screaming “I’m going to kill you.” Kyle gets cornered as Rosenbaum grabs for it, shoots Rosenbaum, hears “get him” and starts running towards police, gets hit with a rock and downed, misses jump kick man, gets hit with a skateboard and Huber tries to take his gun and gets shot, then Grosskreutz’s fake surrender.

    Seems to indicate to me that it was started by Rosenbaum mistaking his identity and thinking he was the guy with the fire extinguisher from earlier.

  • “Defend yourself” by chasing a fleeing guy?

    Hate to break it to you bud but that doesn’t fit the legal definition of self defense anywhere in America.

    In some states you aren’t required to retreat yourself if you have the legal right to be where you are when you’re attacked (this is called “stand your ground” laws). However if the attacker starts fleeing and you pursue you are not allowed to chase them and finish the job. Even if they break into your house, if you surprise them and they run out before they get shot you aren’t allowed to wing shots wildly at them down the street. If you see someone murder someone and run away, it is illegal for you to chase and kill them, you’re required to let the police take over from there.

    Rittenhouse however did attempt to retreat from Rosenbaum who was chasing him and threatening to kill him, until he was cornered and had to shoot Rosenbaum when he reached for the gun. After that, the crowd shouted “he just shot that dude, get him” and surprise, he started running away from the mob of people. Then the dude with a rock took him down, he rolled over, missed jump kick man, then Huber hit him with the trucks and tried to take his gun, which Rittenhouse defended again, then Grosskreutz came and faked surrender before pulling out a gun he wasn’t legally allowed to have and Rittenhouse defended again.

    At every point, Rittenhouse attempted retreat from those who were attacking him. Vigilante mob justice is super cool or whatever but it is illegal, the crowd had no legal right to “chase a fleeing felon” just as CCW holders don’t have that right. Thankfully.