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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Badabinski@kbin.socialtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldPost your Servernames!
    2 months ago

    I just kinda vaguely name them after what they do and how big they are:

    smol: my tiny little 2 bay Synology NAS that I’m no longer using
    medium: my R620 with 4x 18TB drives that is my current NAS (medium, because it’s larger than my previous NAS). Is also a k3s worker and provides NFS PVCs.
    big: my old full-tower gaming rig that’s a k3s worker and runs my Home Assistant VM
    molecule: my current mini-ITX gaming rig and primary computer, also serves as the k3s master node and runs a lot of my home automation stuff. I think I picked molecule because it’s REALLY tiny (it’s in a Dan Cases A4v2, I think?) and it has a bunch of small stuff running on it (containers and pods)
    monolith: my old T440p laptop. It’s a large, black, featureless slab that doesn’t do much
    slab: my new Framework 13 laptop. I just kinda looked at it and said, “that’s a nice slab of metal”

    All of the above running Linux. I tinkered with Ubuntu for the NAS (because I heard Ubuntu was good at ZFS), but I still absolutely hate Ubuntu, so it’s all Arch Linux.

  • For Linux applications that respect XDG? Sure. There are plenty that don’t because they either predate that specification, or they just don’t care. Linux filesystems are generally much faster at executing reads on many small files, meaning fast search tools like ripgrep and fd make it so I don’t really have to care. They’ll run through my whole $HOME in 5 seconds flat. There’s also stuff like locate, although I don’t like maintaining an index. SSDs are so damn fast that I can just rg --hidden --glob '*.toml' 'the_setting_i_want_to_change' ~/ whenever I want.

  • I tip 20% or $5 on takeout orders, whatever is larger (provided nothing goes terribly wrong). I have the means, and I remember how much I fucking hated working in retail. I depend on these people to feed me and I appreciate that they’re willing to do it (especially with how poorly they get treated at times). If I can make someone’s day better then it’s worth it to me.

    That being said, I hate tip culture and wish that the laws in my country around tipping would change. This is getting off topic now (since I think that the people doing takeout orders aren’t subject to this), but it’s absurd that we let restraunts pay $3.50 an hour if someone is making the rest of the minimum wage in tips. If I tip someone, I want it to be because I really appreciate what they did. I don’t want to be paying their wages, they should be receiving a livable wage no matter what. I know that refusing to tip won’t change that, so I just go along with it.

  • I didn’t downvote those posts, but I did feel like the thread was aggressive when it didn’t need to be. I’d guess that a flippant/passive aggressive remark like “New to US civil law?” was (rightfully) upsetting to the user who clearly has an understanding of the law here. That user responded in kind and defended their original comment. However, they then kept responding to other users in a fairly aggressive fashion, even when those other users were communicating in alright way.

    I totally get it. I’d be pissed if, after posting a well reasoned and researched comment on Kubernetes, someone responded saying “new to container orchestration?” I try (and sometimes fail) to express the more vulnerable feelings underneath anger online after dealing with my anger in meatspace. I find it results in more productive conversations. It’s hard to do that, so I’m not casting aspersions. I think that’s probably why people downvoted in this case though. People try to suppress and avoid aggression and conflict because those things are uncomfortable and used to be precursors to actual physical danger. It’s just biology and emotions at work.

  • Sodium-ion batteries appear promising. Like, the energy density by weight of the current market offerings is absolutely too low to be useful for vehicles, but there’s hope that can be improved in a relatively short timescale. Prices should be pretty good when factories finish tooling up, and most chemistries use no rare earth metals. Current densities seem great for grid storage, which is where hydrogen has the most potential right now (imo).

    I still like the idea of hydrogen for some forms of transportation (freight trains, container ships, possibly aircraft if energy density could be increased or aircraft weight decreased somehow) and as a strategic emergency energy reserve. It’d be great to have more grid resilience as the environment continues to decay. I just worry about the energy costs that come with transporting hydrogen for cars and individual transport. Pipelines seem like they’d be challenging, and trucking it around seems a bit wasteful. In-situ generation would be ideal if power and water are available and hydrolysis can be made more efficient and compact, but that’s not possible everywhere.

    I dunno. I’m glad it’s not my job to figure out the actual energy cost of everything, but I’m really hoping grid-scale sodium-ion batteries will become a reality sooner rather than later, and that we’ll see sodium-ion batteries in cars within the next 10-15 years.

  • I’m sorry you had such a poor experience with men and relationships. It’s not my place to speculate, but it sounds like you may have had some really harrowing experiences. It’s good that you’ve found a lifestyle that makes you happy. Your first comment in this thread is really painful to read and makes me very sad. It’s also not my place to debate with you about whether or not your comment is right/good, so instead I’ll just share some of my background and why I feel pain when I read it.

    I was absolutely raised to be “manly.” My father, the Boy Scouts, popular media—all of it seemed like it was encouraging me to just “toughen up” and be strong. Nobody ever talked to me about feelings except anger. My dad was a great role model for anger. However, I was small. I was weak. I had allergies and asthma. I was sensitive and scared of violence. I cried easily. I was cuddly. It was very difficult for me to square what was expected of me with the reality of who I was, so for a long time I was just angry and numb and tried to hide.

    I had a series of relationships where I failed to be emotionally present with my partner and rather than fixing it, I just emotionally whipped myself raw in front of them. I thought that punishment was the only way to be accepted. I finally met someone who showed me what it was to feel and helped me see a therapist. I was able to unpick a lot of the “manly” crap, and nowadays I’m pretty happy in my skin. I crochet with my partner. We talk freely and openly about our feelings. We call each other disgustingly cute pet names. We hold each other and cry when bad things happen. We both continue to go to therapy, and we’re always looking for ways to improve and deepen our relationship.

    For all of that, there’s still the old raw spot in my mind. Inside of me, I’ll always have that kid who just wanted a hug and instead got contempt and judgement. He was so lonely and miserable and felt like there wasn’t anything nice in the world for him. He felt so confused and broken and wrong, because why couldn’t he just be manly? Why couldn’t he be a rock? That’s the raw spot that your comment pokes for me. I suspect I’m not alone in that.

    Having typed all that out, I guess I’ll make one request. I don’t know what exactly you went through, and I sure as hell won’t invalidate it, whatever it was. All I’d ask is that you consider that there may be more than just sex and hate in the heart of the men you walk by. You don’t have to be in a relationship or like men or want to be around them, but the world might seem like a bit better of a place for you.

  • I think my initial read of your comment was wrong (I thought you were saying that the term was fine, which didn’t hold up on my second read where I was paying attention), so I want to clarify by saying what I think you mean. You’re making the point that I should be saying that the statement is racist and that they should consider whether or not they want to use it, not that they are being racist by using it in ignorance.

    Is that right? Because if so, that’s a fair point. More flies with honey than vinegar and all that. I’m normally better about giving people a chance to consider rather than just dictate my beliefs, but I’m sleep deprived and cranky and I think it’s making me act in ways that aren’t aligned with my usual values.

    Edit: and it’s a sign that I need to get off of the Internet for now, since I’m being waaaay more negative than I want to be.

  • Badabinski@kbin.socialtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldI'm too afraid to ask
    6 months ago

    Yeah, that’s why I wish the community would just use a different term. I’m not a fan of where it came from (Asian people bad asian motorcycle bad), and the arguments where one person says “I’ve been saying it for years,” versus “bro it’s been fucking racist for years,” have gone past the point of a beaten and dead horse and into the realm of a fine mist of blood, fat, muscle, and viscera. Like, I just don’t understand why people are attached to it, it’s such a weird hill to die on. If it’s a matter of having a term that people outside of the community wouldn’t immediately understand, then I’m sure a different word could be found.

    Edit: christ, I was not familiar with its usage in the 1930s. What a mess… Also, really loving the section on its Korean war usage, that’s just great. Thanks for the link, it reaffirms my desire for the community to just use a different goddamned word.

  • The only thing that comes to me is that someone who was really into tuning/spiffing up Japanese cars was involved in the community early on. I’ve always found it weird, and I’d honestly kinda prefer to just use “theme” or “spiff” or one of the many other words that the Godfucked curse of the Earth that is the English language provides for the purpose.

  • I think the OP clearly doesn’t like that they have this reaction (as someone else pointed out, and as you acknowledged). I think I understand why you might think this came from a lack of empathy. You like kids, what could be wrong with them acting like kids do? Sure, they’re loud, but it’s not that big of a deal! This person must have no empathy, because if they did, they’d be fine with it. People with no empathy are psychopaths, so OP must be a psychopath.

    I think you’re already starting to see what’s wrong with that line of reasoning, which I really appreciate. Just to restate it here, the OP probably doesn’t hate children, they just have problems with overstimulation (possibly misophonia or autism spectrum stuff). Not everyone has experienced overstimulation, but I can assure you that at best, it makes you reaaally cranky. Feelings of rage aren’t surprising to me. If the OP wants, there are coping strategies and things they can do to help themselves in certain circumstances, but they’re not wrong or bad. Their brain just works differently from other folks, and this is one of the effects of that.

    It’s not society’s job to fix this (because kids have the right to be kids, and kids are kinda loud sometimes, even if you’re trying to teach them to be mindful of their volume), but I think that it’s generally good to try and show some empathy, or at least ask questions in good faith if you don’t understand well enough to empathize.

    I’d implore you to communicate with a bit more intent. Calling someone a psychopath is a pretty serious thing to do! Did you intend to hurt someone’s feelings that much? Or were you just confused and a bit angry, and came to that conclusion in haste? There’s a person on the other side of this conversation who has feelings, and they’re asking here for help. They’re trying to improve themselves, and I don’t think you’d want to say that type of thing to someone who’s just trying to live a better life.