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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023


  • Exactly this. we try to prevent cyberattacks as much as we can, but at a certain point, they’re impossible to perfectly defend against without also totally locking down our users and making it impossible for them to do their jobs. so then the game becomes one of containing the amount of damage an attack can do.

    Security is restriction. our job is to balance our users’ ability to perform their jobs with acceptable levels of risk.

  • Here’s a short list of key policies and initiatives associated with Kamala Harris:

    1. Healthcare: Advocates for expanding access to affordable healthcare, including support for the Affordable Care Act and efforts to lower prescription drug prices.

    2. Climate Change: Supports aggressive action on climate change, including rejoining the Paris Agreement and investing in clean energy jobs.

    3. Criminal Justice Reform: Focuses on reforming the criminal justice system, including ending mass incarceration, addressing racial disparities, and promoting police accountability.

    4. Economic Equality: Promotes policies aimed at reducing income inequality, such as raising the minimum wage, supporting small businesses, and investing in education and job training.

    5. Immigration Reform: Advocates for comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and protecting DACA recipients.

    6. Gun Control: Supports measures to reduce gun violence, including universal background checks and banning assault weapons.

    7. Women’s Rights: Champions reproductive rights and policies aimed at addressing gender-based violence and discrimination.

    Here’s trumps policies: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

  • That concerns me because that creates a conflict of interest if the only people who can invite or remove people from the council are other members of said council. We see in the real world that breeds nepotism and corruption and makes non-violent policy change nearly impossible. Wouldn’t it be better to allow the people to choose council members and remove them by vote when necessary?

  • Under that system, all leadership would be exclusive and homogeneous, as they would all be a part of some select leadership class, not unlike the nobility class of europe. Picking people from childhood and grooming them to be leaders is no guarantee that they will be good leaders. What do we do if someone is a bad leader in this sytem?

  • You have to put someone in charge of distributing the goods and services, set laws to make interactions between parties fair, and divy up resources, and remove/rehabilitate criminals, and that inherently creates a power imbalance. How do you suggest we keep the leaders beholden to the governed in this system so they dont abuse this power?