I’m in Canada and I have only a tiny wisp of snow that is frozen to our very very cold ground.
I’m in Canada and I have only a tiny wisp of snow that is frozen to our very very cold ground.
Nobody is except those ring-tailed dingdongs called the Republicans.
Oh this is just a funny honey bunny. But the one I had did last 20 years.
Oh wow. Didn’t know that. That’s hilarious.
Looks kind of like the Monster logo, what I can see?
I also had one for 20 years. The standing newer model one I got threw a belt in about five years and was garbage.
I’ve been listening to them a lot lately. Damn those albums are good.
My 1996 Barenaked Ladies Geocities page looked better than this.
Chock. Florida is truly insane.
Isn’t that weird? Reply All podcast did an episode about this.
A real upstanding guy.
In the context I said it myself it was because of Trump the rapist. I am very tired of women being raped and everything that comes with conservatives normalizing it.
It’s easy to say this when you’re from a younger generation who uses more savvy platforms, but some people never got social media literate past Facebook. To them it’s just somewhere they log in to sometimes to see pictures of their new nephew in British Columbia or to sell an old bike on marketplace, or other really casual use. Maybe they look through their news feed sometimes and laugh at a meme or whatever. They really have no concept of what they are going to be fed and what fake news is even. They’re not ignorant, they just live most of their life away from a screen. And they’re not all older people. I have plenty of friends from church younger than me who have a Facebook that they update maybe once a year with a picture of their kids on Halloween and that’s it, they never do anything else with it. Some people genuinely have no concept of all the evil that’s being wrought on these platforms.
I don’t think anyone who is so out of touch with reality could be sane.
I honestly think conservatives want it to be legal for them to hunt and kill queer people in the streets.
No LOL I’m being sarcastic.