borZ0 the t1r3D b3aR

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • There are bootstraps you haven’t appropriately pulled up if you live at home.

    The more legitimate reason is that there’s a school of thought that you can’t become a fully-fledged, independent adult without putting some distance between youself and the folks that raised you. There’s a difference between someone who never left home and is content to just stay in the status quo, vs an adult who maybe went to off to college or was away from home for some period of time while working that has had to come back due to challenging circumstances and doesn’t plan to stay longer than they need to. Obviously, the stereotype is of the former and not the latter.

  • sigh I have many hundreds of hours in to various 40k games. Some of those hours are Darktide, which i would play even more except i’m playing Inquisitior: Martyr. DoW (et al) SpaceMarine (et al)… really need Cavil’s tv show to come out so i can take a break from all the gaming… ;) I’ve heard got things about Vermintide, but haven’t played