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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Is this one of those things like the GPS trackers they just sort of plant on your shit by trespassing, and if you find them they typically come to collect them because their cover is blown anyway and they are expensive?

    Or is this one of those things that you need to like… actively do things with? From the pics it looks like an active-use device but idk shit about 2004 tech so… (I was an adult, but barely conscious of things)

  • Yes! Ok that probably helps a lot. Because I’ve seen a HUGE rise in _core (cottagecore, goblin core, Forrest core, witch core, etc. and that’s just here on Lemmy)

    I hope that takes off more and leaves Punk behind so it can fit better. :) I’m sure the distinction exists for a reason.

    And yeah steampunk is sort of the odd duck in what the other major __punk actually hit, but I did have some friends waaaaaaay back when steampunk was brand new, big into it, and they took it all the way to the social changes necessary for never evolving past the Industrial Revolution… so I’m probably heavily biased by that (then again in highschool they had canes, waistcoats, and top hats, and basically cosplayed as English gentlemen all the time so… probably not an ideal sample!)

  • I probably have explored furry punk to some extent - any game/cartoon in which the main character is a non-human animal technically counts for that, I should think. Bonus if they are anthropomorphized. But it’s not called furrypunk afaik, or I’d probably throw that in too.

    Beyond that I have no idea what those things even would be. Tho the current state of the US is very meat based so I think you’d have to go vegpunk on that one, at least where I’m at, for it to be an alternative option.

  • When I think of __punk, I think about it having a whole -way of life- change, not just an aesthetic change. Cyberpunk incorporates all of the dystopia of deeply embedded tech and stuff. Solarpunk is the whole “living with nature” ideal, even steampunk had to reimagine how things would work (tho admittedly that’s way more of an aesthetic than the other two imho).

    So it’s basically a meaningless term then? That’s disappointing. I really want to explore other… hypothetical options I suppose.

  • I mean I get that it’s used that way, but that doesn’t address what I want to know - are these “more than aesthetic”, or is it watering down what punk means by being applied too broadly?

    I tend to think it’s the latter, because while the three I called out specifically are an aesthetic, they are also “alternative present/future” in a rebellious and/or politicized sort of way. They are sort of “what if?” Or “this would be good/bad/interesting”.

    I don’t think the others really have that quality, but I’m not deeply involved with anything that would really help sort it out. So here I am :)

  • I really never got into EverQuest. Maybe I’ll try again, but honestly at this point I’m sort of over social games. I played a lot of neverwinter when I was transitioning off wow, and it did the job, but I’ve not found any sort of mmo since that really makes me want to play… because all I want to do most of the time is solo play and pug dungeons (always a disappointment).

    I used to be a raid leader and main healer for the guilds’ clan (we had a group of iirc 6 casual guilds that shared forums and a vent server and would do stuff together like a super guild) and I miss doing that but… not enough to try to find it again I guess.

    I desperately want to be into games like helldivers or other “major hit” social play games, but they are without fail not my style of game. So… eh. I think that time in my life is just gone. Maybe when immersive VR is a major thing and there are mmos for it (ideally that don’t give me horrible motion sickness), that sounds pretty cool. But I won’t wait around with bated breath.

  • I don’t really use steam and I have this problem too. I buy discs used, and I don’t always look up gameplay videos… so yeah, often not my cup of tea turns out. But resellable if I want down the line, at least.

    Just the other day I bought a Wii super monkeyball game that uses the balance board. I have everything I need to play it, but the chances of actually doing that are pretty slim, tbh. A lot of the older games (anything under $10 for consoles more than a decade old, really) I buy are like that. “Might be fun, might never get played, but in an emergency, can be sold”.

    I miss playing mmos, but none of them have hit like vanilla wow on a pve server, and now I hate people too much to bother. If I could spin up a server of my own and just play by myself or with a few people I know, sure, but most games don’t allow that. So single player it is.

  • Years ago, I made a special long-distance trek to a specific animal rehab center just to hold a baby spider monkey. They took animals from other zoos across the country being shut down for abuses, so they were real careful with their charges.

    It was one of the best things I’ve experienced. She was adorable and clingy. And I got to pet (nose) and feed an adult male hippo the same day because they had him penned to clean his enclosure. Fucking terrifying, that; he was super gentle, but if he’d wanted out, that pen wasn’t stopping him.

    You put a baby monkey sign out and I’m as good as baited. Every time. I’d probably fall for a lamb or kid (goat kind not human kind) or really any baby animal, as long as mama is chill with it.

  • Yes their home value has gone up also, but because everything else has risen by the same margins, something that used to be just a bit out of their price range is now much much further outside of it.

    Even equivalent properties are more expensive because they often need work on top of the price, and even if they don’t, the closing costs and cut to realtors are proportionally higher and that doesn’t count toward equity. And folks in V-LCOL areas can’t really move to areas that aren’t equally depressed, because houses in other areas are even more wildly expensive, so we are scraping the lowest cost of the bottom of the low cost barrel already. There’s nowhere to really go like people from HCOL areas can.

    So say someone wants to move to the next town over for whatever reason. They have to pay to have their house sold, which is a percentage of sale for whatever dumbass reason (8-10% on average), then the closing costs, inspections, etc. for the place they are buying (2-5%), and that eats right into the equity of the existing house, meaning they have to find something 10-15% lower in absolute terms if they want to come out unencumbered, which used to be a pretty small actual difference but now is pretty substantial (for example, 10% of my purchase price is about 6k, with the current state of things I’d be looking at about 20k) The alternative option is to take out a mortgage for the price difference, at a huge interest rate. But the price increases over the last few years could easily make that mortgage the same as their original mortgage on the place from a decade ago.

    So on paper the house is worth more, but because everything else also is, and wages aren’t up, it’s a much larger difference for the buyer than it used to be.

  • At first I was like man, that person has a lot of sunflower seeds stocked up, that must have been a lot of sunflowers in their yard, but good for them…

    But nope, these are just shells. Hopefully these shells haven’t been in anyone’s mouth…Imagine the mold at the bottom of that tote…

    Why would anyone keep this? What do you do with them at this point? Assuming they were seasoned, you can’t really use them as mulch (salt), so like maybe compost, but even then adding that much salt all at once wouldn’t be doing your pile any favors…

  • My area, which is historically a V-LCOL area, isn’t the worst, persey, but wages definitely aren’t keeping up, which exacerbates the issue. We used to have a really good market for average people to own.

    Area now requires annual salary of roughly 75-99k… your average person around here (even if they have a degree) is super lucky to make 40-50k (this is on the rise, but not very quickly at all). Only people in the top of their field, or in highly lucrative fields, are making 75-99 (other parts of the state are different ofc; pay in the cities is a lot better for example, but this specific area is still quite depressed). Back a decade ago, there were dozens and dozens of house options for under 100k, so 40k wages were fine. If you are handy, you could pick one up that needed substantial work for 25k.

    Needless to say, anyone around here who bought before the market went crazy… is absolutely stuck, even if they currently owe very little or own outright. There is literally nowhere most of them can go because if they sell, where do they turn around and buy? Everything else went up right alongside their place, including interest rates and closing costs. But the big thing is a price difference that used to be about $2,000 is now $15,000-30,000 different (due to interest, absolute cost, closing costs, etc. all being inflated together)