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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • If you don’t know any math and I explain you why 1 + 1 = 2 and you get it, it’s not because you decided to understand. You helplessly did so and you can’t unlearn it anymore. There’s no free will in that.

    This same applies to the judge and jury. If they truly understand the illusion of free will it will have an affect on how they relate to other people. You simply cannot blame them for their actions the same way once the illusion is broken. It’s like knowing the stove is hot and still touching it. You can do it but you’ll get burned and no matter of how hard you want to believe it’s cold it just isn’t and every attempt to live your life like it is just results in you getting burned again and again.

  • If someone kills a bunch of people no amount of philosophical quibbling and defining is going to make me think that person should be allowed to continue living in society, justice simply couldn’t be a concept at all in the absence of some form of free will, yet we require justice to cooperate in making better lives for ourselves. So the value of acting as if we have free will is more valuable than an esoteric philosophical truth.

    Free will or not - if you have intentionally killed a bunch of people in the past it’s to be expected you’re likely to do it again. Such person shouldn’t be put to jail because we want to punish him. After all he could not have done otherwise. However as they’re danger to others something clearly needs to be done. They have to be separated from society in some way to prevent further harm but we should still treat them humanely and make sure their live is as good as it could be withing the circumstances.

    If a bear wanders onto residential area we don’t shoot it because it’s evil. In my opinion the bear is no different from a murdered. They’re both slaves of their biology.

  • My message literally starts by saying climate change is bad. It will be catastrophic. At no point have I claimed otherwise.

    It will however not be civilization ending. It’s not an existential threat to humanity like an asteroid impact or super volcano eruption would be.

    According to WHO: “Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year, from undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress alone.”

    Also: “Even after accounting for adaptation, an additional 1.5 million people die per year from climate change by 2100 if past emissions trends continue.”

    That’s about the same as what road accidents or diabetes kills every year.