A random person on lemmy. Banner art from Deemo switch version

Alt lemmy @Deemo@lemmy.world

Alt kbin: @Deemo@fedia.io

FMHY (archive): @Deemo@lemmy.fmhy.ml

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • remote UI connection passes through the Home Assistant Central servers, the Central servers could maintain that safety database and off switch

    I think this is how home assistant handles it. When they put out a cve they can update the insecure version list which makes nabucasa refuse remote forwarding (until you update).

    Initially I was just thinking if a open-source project is on github and uses the security disclosure feature if it would be possible to pull data from it and disable remote acess (either by auto shutting down the service or simply disabling routing on a reverse proxy).

    Having a system that does without a security disclosure list from a project maintainer would be far mor difficult like having the proxy disable one of your services if it detects a vulnerability in a dependency.

  • With pypush the error seems to come when generating validaiton data (it either gets stuck endlessly or shows a error saying no cert found). Pypush is still able to communicate with apples sms gateway (and the gateway still sends sms replies). Additionally 2fa codes are still triggered and sent.

    The weirdest part is even if you import your own real mac serial (data.plist) the same issue arises (I tried with my personal 2011 mac mini).

    I wonder if the issue specifically relates to pypush trying to spoof a m1 mac using a intel mac serial, or the uncanny vally of registering a phone number through a mac serial.

  • Silly question if you don’t mind me asking, when you got the pop up:

    • Which browser/adblocker where you using (also did you use any custom filters)?
    • What device are you watching youtube on when you saw the block (windows, macos, ios, android, linux)?
    • Where are you located? (like which country)

    I never saw these popups just curious.

    Also my setups using a web browser (no issues):

    • (Mac OS Soma) Firefox Stable with ublock origen stock filters
    • (iPadOS 17) with adguard safari content blocker stock filters

    Setups with third part clients (no issues):

    • Revanced android
    • Smarttube (Fire TV)
    • YTLitePlus (iPadOS)

  • Voyager has only 22 sponsors right now and hasn’t even reached his $250/month goal on Github, while Sync for Lemmy is already asking for $100 for a OTP for the Ultra version.

    I think this boils down to two reasons:

    1. Sync has more features than other lemmy apps out of the gate (since its a continuation of sync for lemmy). No waiting for features it just works, etc.
    2. The definition of a sponosor and the definition of a subscription have potential different implications. From my point of view sponsoring encourages development and acts as a way of saying thank you for your hard work. However it is important to note sponosoring doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you are entitled/owed specific features or support in a timely manor. By contrast when you pay for sync’s subscription the role shifts from a simple donation to a buisness relationship (in a sense). You pay $16 a year and now the dev (lj) is on the hook to make sure features listed in the subscription work for that year, responsible for any support queries, and as its his primary job incentivized to continue development (though you could say this last point is sort of equivalent to sponsoring).

    I hope this post didn’t come of as a bit to dark, my view points especially on the community/developer relationship in a donation/sponsor context versus subscription context could be way off.

    Curious on your thoughts (love the work on voyager 😄 )

    Edit Just wanted to link photoprism (a opensource ai powered photos app) subscription policy (I think it does put a interesting case on subscriptions versus donations).


    Pricing (not sponsoring them or anything just as a point of reference):
