A digital citizen

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Love how not just this cop but all black cops carry water for white supremacy. Sure law enforcement needs to be done, but they don’t need racists, homo/transphobes, antisemites/islamophobes, ideological nationalists, or any other extremist piece of shit in their ranks, shit just further erodes public trust, just like this cop’s statement and stance does.

    If the US military gets rid of them the cops should too, and the US military now does, hence what Tommy Tuberville’s promotion block was all about, because that scumbag wanted to reverse the ban on white supremacists and Nazis in the military because he said they were “patriots” too, fuck that noise.

    Cops need need accountability, oversight, and standards, immediately.

  • Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely

    Lord Acton (1887)

    The full quote is pretty poignant as well:

    “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

    Lord Acton had some pretty good bangers on this topic:

    “Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.”


    “Authority that does not exist for Liberty is not authority but force.”


    “Everybody likes to get as much power as circumstances allow, and nobody will vote for a self-denying ordinance.”


    “Absolute power demoralizes.”

  • It’s not wizardry, it’s that our political/legal system has been avoiding the question of “Can you indict a President (current or former)?” ever since Nixon.

    I believe we answered this question back in the 1770’s when we sent our king a letter telling him to fuck off, then beat his army and sent them packing. Then we re-answered this question in 1812 when we fought off the Brits again and Canada, who burnt down our original white house, but ultimately told the king to fuck off again ans sent his army and allies packing again. Then we told Jefferson Davis and his supporters fuck off when he tried to take over as the unelected “President”, aka King/Tyrant/Despot/Dictator, although with all of the Confederate “heritage”, flags, statues, and terrorist groups (KKK) that still exist it doesn’t seem like we told the Confederates to fuck off hard enough, we probably should have let Sherman tell each and every one of them “fuck off” in person.

    Anyway, my point is that we’ve already had this discussion three times and the answer to every King and wannabe King has been “fuck off” followed by a lot of killing, I’m not so sure we should be going for a forth time, especially not for an orange diaper wearing nepo baby traitor.

  • I channel that into anger, rather than hopelessness, but I absolutely get you, it’s hard being unable to stop things from happening that you see a thousand miles away, and being fix some of the easiest stuff to fix. Now with the political climate with one side of most governments leaning very fascist, and then what’s going on economically, everything is harder and more frustrating, much more expensive. But that’s why I choose anger over hopelessness, because fuck these assholes, I’m not going to let these bastards grind us down, and you shouldn’t either.

    My advice would be to try to force yourself to live in the moment more, stay informed, but find other outlets for your life, even if it’s just trying some pot and hallucinogenics, and channel your hopelessness into something positive, something that helps, even if it’s just something that helps you, also music, listening to it, or playing it if you can, I can’t, but music is always very therapeutic. Books or audiobooks work pretty well too.

    Good luck, I really hope you find a way to overcome your sense of hopelessness, I know it’s not easy, but life never is.

  • Watching the actual Daily Show interview would probably be more helpful than this article was:


    It was a really good interview, Lina Khan was essentially a guest that Apple TV had blacklisted from Jon’s now cancelled show, they break down some of the ways the Tech Robber Barons have been undermining regulations and laws, while making boatloads of money and manipulating the stock market. They then go into some of Jon’s issues with Apple, his former employer, and why they had Lina Khan blacklisted as a guest on Jon’s now cancelled show, and after hearing her speak I can see why, she’s smart, and knows the topic well, and has some good ideas on how to fix some of the issues we have with regulating and controlling not just tech, but all out of control businesses. Then they discuss AI, how corporate leadership is going to fuck workers over completely using AI, and how AI is currently just a bunch of bullshit being used as an excuse to take our jobs and pay us less.