If you could reliably detect “AI” using an “AI” you could also use an “AI” to make posts that the other “AI” couldn’t detect.
If you could reliably detect “AI” using an “AI” you could also use an “AI” to make posts that the other “AI” couldn’t detect.
Never preorder.
I haven’t worried about a driver update fucking something up since before win XP.
I have however repeatedly encountered crashes of games on my ps5 in the last year, which kind of defeats your point. Consoles had that worry free stability factor to them in the 90s or early 2000s, but that’s long gone.
Crypto is not capital. Crypto is a poker table, where each player can only cash out what somebody else brought to the table. Buying those coins is placing a bet, not making an investment. No value is created in or by the system.
If Trump wants to buy a hamberder with his 25 billion in monopoly money he needs to find a sucker to buy the monopoly money from him at the asking price. If that sucker want to buy a Banana with it, they need to find the next sucker. It’s a pyramid game, and the farther you get from the top the more likely you’ll end up the one without a next sucker below you.
The reason libertarians and similar nutjobs clamor for governments going into crypto is that those governments with their virtually bottomless pockets would then become the ultimate suckers. They’d be boosting the prices for all former holders of that coin, who could then cash out big by selling to the governments. Something they currently can’t do in big volumes without tanking prices.
The Zuck will embrace it. It’s the other messengers that have stated that they would not work with meta. And I’m honestly with them.
I have zero hope for any possible open standard for messengers to not be comandeered by google/fb et al so that it’ll end up to be a net loss in privacy and security. I have no interest to compromise my own privacy because aunt Karen doesn’t want to switch apps.
Man, I miss this guy.
I thought the exact same thing and we should all endeavor to use 4616250 as a meme.
I’m still using that 1080Ti and currently see no reason to upgrade.
any cognitive Task. Not “9 out of the 10 you were able to think of right now”.
The frustrating thing is: Sometimes the same economists who do these studies tend to magically forget their own findings a week later when they are interviewed by some news channel about what the government should do about x or y. Because they can’t live with the fact that some of the base principles and beliefs of their own school of thought are deeply flawed.
If I could just download right from the Website
You can.
But then, my steam link could already do that.
I’m by no means talking about AAA latest and greatest. I tried Everspace 2 and Visions of Mana. Both need considerable tuning down, after which Everspace manages a fluid experience, while VoM still stutters while looking horrible. I haven’t dared to even try the likes of Witcher 3 (which people are talking about playing on the deck). I’ll probably stick with pixel art etc for TV mode, and go back to the ps5 for more demanding things.
You mean on the small screen, right?
People’s use cases seem to be wildly different from mine. I mainly use it in TV mode as a couch gaming machine. For most modern 3d games you have to turn graphics quality down substantially that way.
Edit: A downvote does not constitute an answer or a counter argument.
I played Witcher 3 day one and have no idea what you’re talking about.
but I’m back to feeling rather ambivalent about the whole thing, which to my eye looks like nothing so much as an alt-universe Mass Effect.
And that’s supposed to be a bad thing?
More Mass Effect is always a win in my book.
School of the Cat managed to successfully get to a point where 1/10 women survived. School of Crane is the later iteration of the School of Cat, which is why I mentioned them specifically.
Where is this info from? I could only find fan fiction so far.
As for why, it’s because Ciri wants to be a proper Witcher like Geralt.
Too thin for a 70% death rate when you already have most of what it takes for other reasons.
As far as we know it has never been done on a woman or an adult. Also, she already has super powers. Why risk a procedure that only 3 in 10 young boys used to survive?
Nah. Cat eyes and witcher potions don’t. They have some explaining to do.
I see no reason why “post right wing propaganda” and "write so you don’t sound like “AI” " should be conflicting goals.
The actual argument why I don’t find such results credible is that the “creator” is trained to sound like humans, so the “detector” has to be trained to find stuff that does not sound like humans. This means, both basically have to solve the same task: Decide if something sounds like a human.
To be able to find the “AI” content, the “detector” would have to be better at deciding what sounds like a human than the “creator”. So for the results to have any kind of accuracy, you’re already banking on the “detector” company having more processing power / better training data / more money than, say, OpenAI or google.
But also, if the “detector” was better at the job, it could be used as a better “creator” itself. Then, how would we distinguish the content it created?