ice gun
Sounds like Portal mechanics
blob monsters
Slimes. Just call them slimes. Pretty much every gamer knows what slimes are.
ice gun
Sounds like Portal mechanics
blob monsters
Slimes. Just call them slimes. Pretty much every gamer knows what slimes are.
Among their favorites is “Fallout” – a post-apocalyptic drama based on the video game series of the same name.
I find this incredibly ironic.
Thanks for pointing it out; edited phrasing.
For me, it’s the PS5 for having such a slick and futuristic look.
Honourable mention goes to Nintendo Switch for being so cute.
OpenAI CloseAI
Cool; just like how human hunters would imitate mating calls / cries
Honestly, I thought the picture is showing that humans are apes, given that we share a common ape ancestor. (And if we go further back, we are all primates, mammals, animals, etc)
Thanks for pointing out the obvious on my behalf.
Any costume that a human wear is an ape costume.
Any context?
Since we are on the topic of funny stuff in code, here’s one encounter I had earlier:
default variables to null or something
That is such a bad idea. Better to have the compiler warn you about it like in Rust, or have the linter / IDE highlight it.
Yeah, TIL too.
I just searched for an image of “pouring water on computer”.
Gundam: The Witch from Mercury
Why would he need to do so? We all know he lives at The White House.
My go-to reaction these days: