I didn’t know this was a thing
I didn’t know this was a thing
That is just wishful thinking. A large number of people on reddit still use it a lot. Enough to not mind sitting there and moderating. If someone stops moderating they know they can be replaced really quickly now.
The amount of people who just want to shit on reddit with their unrealistic expectations is unbelievable lmao
Not trying to be rude but what part specifically rubbed you in the wrong way? I can see it came off as a little formal but nothing that struck out to me.
B but with the helmet and head of A would have been amazing. A looks to shiny rn.
Oh okay. Didn’t know season 6 is out which had me a little confused how I never watched this episode.
Which episode specifically is everyone referring to? I skimmed through the article but couldn’t find the name of the episode.