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Pronouns: They/them


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • As someone whose credit card has been at the 5000$ limit for a couple of months, I’d say it’s capitalism that’s unsustainable.

    Between groceries, rent, and the occasional treat to make life barely bearable, I don’t have anywhere to cut expenses. My vehicle is a bicycle. I live with three roommates in an old building in a neighbourhood that’s more down-and-leaving than up-and-coming. I only wear thrifted clothes. My diet consists largely of legumes and rice.

    I don’t think you had any ill intent with your comment, I feel like you’re coming from a place of empathy, but it does rub me the wrong way and gives me the impression you might be unaware of the realities that many people are living through right now. I’m relatively lucky, I at least have a roof over my head and never go (too) hungry. A lot of people have it much worse.

    If you have an actual tip to deal with my debts, I’d be all ears, but I highly doubt cutting the little luxuries I do afford myself (an occasional craft beer, 50$ of weed every two months or so, and a takeout meal or two per month) would suddenly make my situation financially sustainable. It’s the landlords and the grocery-monopolies that are unsustainable.