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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • My experience with endeavour was much the same, I switched after building a team red system. Endeavour and Arch are wonderful distros, but eventually something breaks if you don’t closely follow release notes. You either gain that level of awareness and competence to fix things yourself, or it breaks and you just wipe and reinstall.

    Not a good direction to point a fresh Linux user.

  • No. I suggested Arch and its variants for years, and I see the error of my ways. Merging pacnew files and resolving issues are well over the head of most newbie users. Arch is a great place to end up, not a place to start.

    I recommend Linux mint to start, and Fedora after you’ve learned a bit. Nobara is cool too, but it’s a version behind Fedora, so I don’t use it at the moment. Linux mint is hands down the best place to start your journey.

  • Lefty gun owner here, and we haven’t done “nothing” but certainly not enough. Gun control advocates have always done things that feel good and do nothing to prevent violence. Magazine capacity bans (one columbine shooter had 14 ten round ban compliant mags) and bans on cosmetic features like heat shrouds and pistol grips do absolutely nothing to keep anyone safer. People will just train to be effective with pesky ban compliant features, or, you know, ignore the law.

    Michigan did something great in response to a school shooting. If a child or otherwise restricted person gains access to your firearms and harms someone, you get slapped with a major felony, a law that’s already been put to use a few times. So it basically makes a safe mandatory by placing the fear of a lengthy sentence on leaving your guns out for kids to grab. It’s something.

    Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing an actual proficiency test, one that weeds out the lowest common denominator. I have sought training and education consistently over years to participate in competitive shooting events, and I’ve literally shot with cops that I wouldn’t let clean their gun in my kitchen. The “test” for a concealed carry license is a joke, id like to see a true test of safety knowledge to even own a firearm.

  • I have various bags that get used for range trips and travel. I am METICULOUS about clearing the gun stuff out of a bag when I’m done. Same with my vehicle, as I cross an international border from time to time and don’t want my truck getting ripped apart. Every bit of gun stuff that goes in the truck on range day is accounted for and removed when I get home.

    The real answer is simple. These people are irresponsible fuckwits that give responsible gun owners a shitty name. You can see it every time you go to the range. People shooting the ceiling, people turning around with a pistol in hand and muzzling the whole room. There are a metric fuck ton of people with guns in the US that shouldn’t be considered qualified to own them.