• 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • It should just work. You install SteamVR through Steam, start it and it should detect the headset.

    Here are a few ideas on what could have gone wrong:

    • Steam is installed as a flatpak
      • Doesn’t work out of the box but I think it’s also in this thread where I asked how to make that work
    • You use GNOME
      • Currently, VR works on KDE in X11 and Wayland but in GNOME only in X11. GNOME 47 (The next update, some people might already have it depending on the distro) adds support for VR in Wayland tho

    These are the 2 things I could think of off the the top of my head. If you know what exactly didn’t work I might be able to help you.

    Edit: Forgot to add, you also need to install CoreCTRL and use it to set the GPU to high, otherwise performance is gonna be shit.

  • I just wrote a reply to this post as well, where I wrote that I’m going to upgrade my CPU soon but I’m probably going to get a Zen 4 X3D because they’re faster than a Zen 5 CPU but based on what you wrote, should I change my decision? They’re a good bit cheaper and without that Windows bug (I use Linux anyway) and if I overclock it to the TDP of the Zen 4 X3Ds, might they be faster after all? I saw something about that Windows bug and that they run at a lower TDP out of the box but I didn’t find anything about how they run now and if you can overclock them since there’s more headroom.

    Edit: Also to just give a little context, I’m currently running a Ryzen 5 3600 with 16 gigs of DDR4 RAM but since I need to get a new mainboard and RAM anyway, I’m upgrading to 32 gigs of DDR5 RAM

  • I’m currently in the market for a new CPU for my PC, so I did my research and I’m not going to buy a Zen 5 CPU either. The reason is simple: The Zen 4 X3D CPUs are faster. Because of that, everyone who wants a new CPU now is getting the Zen 4 X3Ds and everyone who can wait, is waiting for the Zen 5 X3Ds. There’s no point in getting the Zen 5 CPUs that are currently out.

    Edit: Actually, after reading the top reply, I’m not sure anymore if the Zen 5s aren’t the better choice after all