What is the relevance beyond this dude being way into guns? I mean I think attempted assassination told us that already.
When he violates federal law? Yes.
Within a couple of sentences.
It wasn’t a joke. That’s his go-to excuse when people generally decide he’s said something atrocious.
That was my point though. Even the LAPD isn’t this bad.
I took the train from NoHo to downtown or Long Beach all the time and I do not remember turnstiles. In fact, I remember wondering where they were the first time I did it.
If they have turnstiles, that is something they added since I lived there a decade ago.
I wish I knew.
I don’t even know how to process that. “If the governor doesn’t play ball, a bunch of people nowhere near Sacramento should die in a fire?”
SCOTUS: “Ha ha, no more Chevron. Fuck you.”
You show me when this sort of situation has ever happened in L.A.
Because believe me, there are plenty of crazies with knives in L.A. too.
Yes, stopping you to say, “can I see your ticket?” If the person without a ticket runs, where are they going to run to? Back on the train that just left? They can’t do that. Out of the station? That’s where they were going to be taken anyway. It’s not worth the cops’ time in L.A. like it apparently is in New York.
Again, this shit doesn’t happen there.
Cool. I’m glad untreated communicable diseases illegal immigrants have can’t spread to citizens.
I was comparing Rittenhouse to the cops. Do keep up.
The guy only threatened to use the knife after they stopped him for turnstile jumping. If the New York subway didn’t have turnstiles (the L.A. subway doesn’t), most people would still pay their fares. Most people understand that their fares keep the trains running. There was no need for this. At all.
I should say that there are transit cops that check tickets in L.A. If you don’t have one, all they do is escort you out of the station. And this is the LAPD we’re talking about.
It’s as relevant as Kyle Rittenhouse murdering a registered sex offender.
In both cases, there is no possible way the person firing the gun could have known that.
I am waiting for former cop PR man Adams’ defense of the cops with bated breath.
Right? I went on some bad family trips, but I never had to deal with whale juice because my lawyer dad wants to study a whale skull.
In America? You’re joking!