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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Maybe not but the cia have definitely renditioned people during the war on terror.

    The CIA have certainly destabilised more governments that any other organisation I can think of.

    I’ve said in another comment that yes what goes on it chinas bordered is fucked up and should be condemned. What I’m talking about is all the hate about the stuff outside it’s borders when to my stupid Brian they don’t do too much.

    What is it with you people that are quick to criticise other places but will not take criticism of their own country.

    To be abundantly clear, I am not trying to defend China at all, fuck them and their treatment of Uyghurs and citizens in general etc. I am merely trying to find out why China is in vogue, why not NK, Russia, Syria, Sri Lanka etc.

  • The first actual response with the actual crimes that china commits.

    I guess it depends on current morals or the uk of the past. After all we did colonise half the world.

    Currently we have some pretty draconian views and removal of a lot of rights. Plus the way the government thinks about ex-pats (sorry I meant immigrants, ex-pat is when we go elsewhere). We invaded Iraq under false pretences.

    I just don’t see how we are so hypercritical of one country and any view that questions it is usually (not here,today) condemned as a plant, shill, or Winnie the Pooh himself.

  • Yes I believe a good portion are psychopaths or misguided in that they think they’re doing a greater good and they’re better suited to choose how to (or not) distribute that wealth. Like Bill Gates, dude did some terrible shit, then some good shit, but still he had the ego to keep going and building wealth because he thinks he knows best.

    The sad thing is you could reset tomorrow and this or similar will always happen again, as like you say, there very nature is what leads them to the top as most people are not like that.

    I find It fascinating even though I know very little about psychology.

  • I would do the same but I do feel, this isn’t defending them, that money seems to change people. Particularly if you build it gradually, you just become accustomed to slight changes.

    As another example I have noticed. Look at the unbelievable stuff people have done like Harvey Weinstein, Musk, Trump etc.

    I don’t believe people start out that insane or weird, it’s gradual. You’re a little strange but usually your peers keep your ego in check. Now if you happen to be powerful or rich, then the first strange thing you do is minor, they agree to go along and gradually the craziness escalates.

  • Yet he still leads a life the absolute majority of people can even imagine. Not that most people would want such things as it’s grotesque to me that people would want more than they can use.

    I guess I’m in the minority but I could not care less about money, sure it would be nice to have a more comfortable safety net, but anything above that is just useless.

    I think we should value experiences and doing what you enjoy. After a certain point a bank balance is akin to a high score on a game, meaningless except to the person checking where they rank.