Who the fuck are you?
The secret ingredient is lies.
And being enabled by some of the biggest world policing super powers.
For legal reasons I can neither confirm or deny this mentality.
Grow weed imo. Fun hobby, helps people out.
Evil just operates more openly these days because it’s assumed that money=impunity.
Less actually. Worthless.
Send them an angry letter about it
The world needs more Charlie Murphy.
Simple, live in a state/country where people don’t believe the truth is real. Ezpz.
It’s been brought up before but it’s worth remembering -
Depending on waybackmachine is fine for now, but a single point of failure to lose everything isn’t much better than no backup at all. Always back up locally, to multiple mediums, and use your remote backups as a last resort.
Yeah but who bribed him to disclose this?