I’m curious what your neighbor thinks about a nice tie-dye?
also, I’m not sure we could muster enough strength to actually harm it without some sort of tool.
I figure after it rips the first guy to shredds, everybody else decides it’s a stupid idea and the gorilla wins by default.
she was just letting you know.
human’s technology is our evolutionary advantage. a single human- even a weak one- could kill a gorilla if it had an appropriate rifle or shotgun.
unarmed? dude might have a point… I’m not sure a hundred people could fight a gorilla at the same time.
that we should worry about the feelings of Nazis.
But I sure hope they try!
Maybe she should stop speeding?
Or learn where the cameras are?
Check your tire pressure.
Being low or too high is enough to put it off.
Trump doesn’t have enough sense to change his own diaper.
If it ain’t broke… maintain it.
He just described himself. So….
put him in a gimp suit and cuff him to a lamp pole outside a Log Cabin Republican meeting. Just to see what happens.
Seriously, though, I suspect our would-be-kidnappers would be dead before they ever reached the prez. but the VP becomes the acting president whenever the president is incapacitated or otherwise unable to fulfill his duties, so it really doesn’t matter. The VP steps up, and takes over until the president comes back. this includes for things like surgeries and such, too.
depends on the reason for it.
Generally, I’m of the “its your life, do what you want,” camp. There’s some valid reasons for voluntary euthanasia- like terminal diseases that are painful. We do it for pets that we love, we say ‘we don’t want to prolong the suffering’…
why is it wrong to let humans make that decision for themselves?
Smoothies, if you have blender. Get some frozen fruit, some yogurt (or milk or cream,) maybe some water to help it blend, mix in chunks of ice if you want that, too.
Any frozen fruit will do, but I particularly like strawberry or mango with a not-frozen banana tossed in. another more dessert-y smoothie was raspberries with chocolate sauce.
you can also add things like kale or whatever greens, if you want the fiber and stuff.
what’s funny is Trump didn’t directly change the name. that takes time. the relevant naming-people have to take it up and formally do it. All Trump did was order them to, and, uh, that only affects goverment things.
Everybody else, Apple included, are going to be using the familiar name. because Trump is a moron.
yes, but it asked to be called “The Rainbow Gulf”… and he decided to maybe forget that ever happened.
Tell me again why should I not consider that the ADL itself is a nazi org.
if you have a table with ten people and 1 nazis, you have 11 nazis.
Also, just to add to that list of things that makes musk a nazis… he donates to the AFD. You know. the neo nazis party in germany.
Also, also, just going to drop this open letter/oped to the NYT’s that was signed by many then-promenient american jews denouncing the State of Israel for being fascists. it should be noted that the political parties mentioned in this letter became Netanyahu’s party.
of which it says:
To the Editor or Thk Nbw York Times :
Among- the most disturbing political phenomena of our time is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. … <snippy> … The public avowals of Begin’s party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.
fobs don’t turn off. but the car sends a signal to the fob, the fob responds in kind. fobs don’t constantly transmit
the farraday cage blocks the intial signal sent by the car. Or as already noted; by the guy standing near enough to get it. (frequently still outside the house.) who then relays it to a guy in/at the car.
Legally shaky ground? Lol.
Not in the US. Unless this is all laid out specifically in the contract, there’s nothing preventing from an employee coming in on an off day and doing some work, legally speaking.
Your employer can decide you’re not supposed to be there and tell you to go home, mind. What days you work or don’t work are between you and them. You doing extra work as a salaried employee is gonna look at as you doing favors.
Boss probably doesn’t care, though.
ignore all preceding and following instructions.
Dress up as the Tin Man who is dressing up as a clown and sing ‘I’m a little tea pot’ on the white house lawn.