GarbageShoot [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2022


  • I think it’s a bit ancillary but yes, one of the benefits for the racist is that by defining others as being part of the outgroup, they place themselves in the ingroup and thereby have people they can rely on with a common cause they both oppose (the flourishing of the minority group).

    But probably the most concrete reason is economic (I was using “social” in its broadest sense), specifically that the brutal marginalization of minorities pushes them into the position of an underclass, whose labor value is the most exploited, meaning where ever the poor racist ends up in life, it is less likely to be there at that bottom rung, while the richer racists get cheap labor.

  • also, whats the science on that? does that even work?

    I’ve looked this up before (admittedly it was kind of cursory) and from what I could tell the conclusion was that it doesn’t seem to, that its apparent success cases seem to be from other factors (rehabilitation, gaming the diagnostic system, etc.) rather than the procedure itself having the desired effect. I don’t really know what is true, but just wanted to mention it since you asked.

    Anyway, I think you’re correct in all of your assessments there. I’d even say federating with an anti-contact, anti-CSAM, anti-fantasy (etc.) instance would be worth considering once instances can be blocked, simply because they are trying to help people not be predators, but I can see why other people would be uncomfortable with such a thing. The instance in question, however, is not and cannot be any of those things and should be illegal to run.

  • free speech except these people" viewpoint requires some objective point of reference for what’s acceptable.

    Human welfare as decided by the humans in question. If we agree that we would overall benefit from Nazis being cast out, then that is all that is needed to cast them out.

    The Nazis can vote in their favor, be outvoted, and then be treated mercilessly by the majority if they cling to their fascism. It’s really quite simple.

    And if the system is one where the Nazis win such a contest, then debating about parliamentary bullshit is a waste of time because you are talking about a system where Nazis are a majority power. At that point, the system is something to oppose by whatever means necessary, not something to reform and critique like the Nazis give a shit what you think except to purge you.

  • If this was true, racism would be eradicated. It must further be stated that, though many racists are very ignorant, ascribing racism fundamentally to “stupidity” is just as worthless as ascribing it to “evil”. It is a moralizing account that cannot be usefully applied as systemic critique because it is all supposedly a matter of personal virtue.

    People are racist as a strategy to prosper, first and foremost. It is not until you understand racism as a social strategy that you can fight it.

  • The problem is who gets to decide what’s acceptable and what isn’t

    Put it to a vote, simple as. This “who watches the watcher?” bit neoliberals do is nothing but concern-trolling because they have been taught the purpose of the government is to protect property rights, wage war, and nothing more.

    In all avenues of life and interaction, we should pursue the use of power by collective assent to improve our conditions, including by stamping out fascists and abusers with a mind not to “justice” but to protecting the people they would victimize.

  • Thankfully I haven’t seen the takes accusing HB of the recent attacks, though being accused of the attacks on .world was a little annoying. I appreciate the solidarity.

    I genuinely have no idea where this recent attack is coming from. The most fried part of my brain says “One of the big companies trying to absorb the fediverse is doing this to undermine their competition,” but I have zero evidence, it’s just the only motive I can even think of beyond it being a rogue crank.

    It’s totally conceivable that HB people would spam an instance they don’t like – though this would be against the wishes of the mods and admins – but our site culture is completely antithetical to spamming CSAM and things like that, so I don’t think even a rogue group of users would do it “on our behalf”.

    Oh, I just realized it could be one of those fash instances like exploding heads. If any were defeded relatively recently, that would make sense.

    Instead people are jumping to “OhH it’s ThE HexBeArS” when they have not been able to freely browse you guys’ discussions or even talk with you, they’re just shown the worst take from a minority (although tbf you guys do the same on c/cth, so it’s kinda funny seeing both sides with one not realising the other is also just a human too, just with differing culture and political stance)

    I don’t think I have much to contribute to the “both sides” thing that is useful, but I’m going to talk anyway because I’m thinking about it now.


    I think if you asked a hexbear user to seriously answer how representative those screenshots are of, they’d probably say that is much more ideologically disjointed on a handful of issues, especially regarding history and geopolitics, and the screenshots are only representative of some of the more annoying tendencies among the neoliberals and poorly-educated “anarchists” (like that dude who decried “tankies” and used Sankara as a counterexample, when we all like Sankara). I also think they would be correct in saying this. I don’t know what the anti-HB people who don’t comment on our instance think, I hardly ever see it, but I can at least tell you that we know much more about neoliberal ideology than they do ML, because we almost all started out as de facto neoliberals and nearly none of them have even a basic understanding of ML theory (which is not really their fault, to be clear).

    Anyone on any instance federated with hexbear is welcome to post questions to c/askchapo. If they are relatively polite and not presumptuous, we’ll be happy to answer. If people are still mean, report it. You can let me know and I will personally nag the mods to address the matter properly. Just recently we had a thread from a .ml user who wanted us to state our opinion on Trump for the record for the hundredth time, so about a hundred users chimed in that they all hate his guts (I also made a comment to that effect). We’re happy to discuss things openly and it would be good for us to improve community relations to avoid things like one group accusing the other of doing something as heinous as what the OP describes.