Yeah…… the timing seems suspect at best… seems like she stuck around to help maintain the best image during the trial but now that he’s busted she’s out.
Yeah…… the timing seems suspect at best… seems like she stuck around to help maintain the best image during the trial but now that he’s busted she’s out.
He specifically did his shows without ANY writing whatsoever… he could have written his own show but he didn’t write anything down. He didn’t get scab writers… he literally went out on set, and bullshitted with his co host and spun a bottle cap and in essence showed how trash shows are without writers… he did his show to prove a point… and he accomplished that…
Ugh… yes. I concur wholeheartedly…
Nope… because I just tried it as a white male and got back a pure Asian man using the same prompts… and I’ll be damned if I’m not jealous/sad because the man it spit back out was way better looking than me…
Wouldn’t he still get residuals from any work he’s done? She’d probably want a chunk of that too…