They can just wait for someone to approve the pull request like everyone one else.
For anything important, use matrix instead of lemmy DMs.
They can just wait for someone to approve the pull request like everyone one else.
Is 2016 old enough now?
The DOOM 2016 soundtrack fucking rips.
The CVV should really be 2FA from your card issuer.
But even my current Xiaomi router with stock firmware creates hash mismatches using apt
That’s a huge fucking red flag and I would yeet any network equipment responsible for fudging such a thing.
vapid mouth breather.
They might be a mouth typer too. The parent comment has words arranged in a way that vaguely resembles the concept of a sentence.
Sunken cost fallacy maybe.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to joke about your situation.
I’ve had my share of sketchy roomies.
That person sounds like a terrible match.
cut him out after this lease is up.
Are you roommates or is this some new rent-a-friend gig economy dystopia I don’t know about?
yup, just tested this… which is indeed in the local community (now deleted)
Ohh, I think the local communities show up but without the domain.
Like this:
The search/dropdown is a bit janky imho, both there and in the modlog.
Tomatoes are already acidic, consider non-lemony tomatoes next time if possible.
As for this batch, both sugar and baking soda works somewhat and you can to both.
A little at a time so you don’t change the taste too much.
Onions are acidic too, but much less so than lemontomatoes, adding a bunch of em to the sauce can help.
If you don’t plan on freezing or canning and you’re just making sauce to put on pasta or something, add cream to it to make a sauce rosée, it’ll mellow the perception of acidity a lot too.
Or use in it a chili where the beans, while not chemically buffering the acidity like baking soda would, can help absorb some of the taste.
Gameplay patents are bullshit.
Skyrim lead designer Bruce Nesmith explains why Bethesda switching to Unreal may not be the upgrade fans think it would be.
You: [several missing steps] … Biden
WTF does Biden have anything to do with that
I assume you commented in the wrong post?
Here’s a video of a mammography procedure done on a man which should at least show the compression process for smaller breasts.
I can assure you that some people climb without being anywhere close to what I’d call “very careful”.
To me, part of being careful includes not trusting any random unknown person or their gear.
It includes double-checking the people I trust and requiring them to double-check me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve met plenty of great people who were careful, safe climbers.
I’ve also met a few climbers of a… weird kind, like it’s almost a caricature, but these people exist.
Climbers who could barely tie a knot, climbers that were stoned af, climbers that kept using carabiners or rope that I wouldn’t even trust to tie their dog.
Also: Even careful people make mistakes.
mTLS is great and it’s a shame Firefox mobile still doesn’t support it.