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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • If you don’t mind going full back-to-basics, you can do this with standard command-line tools and no cloud server. Contrary to popular wisdom, a server is not necessary to sync files between a computer and a mobile device.

    I use ssh and unison over wifi hotspot, no cable required. Works fine though it does require a button to be pressed. It doesn’t sync constantly in the background. Personally, after many years of doing that, I decided that it was an anti-feature.

  • I wish I could wall myself off from

    Well this is at least honest!

    Perhaps it’s a personality thing. Perhaps generational. Technically I’m a member of a minority community but I’ve never defined myself by that, and “hate” in the contemporary sense (I think its meaning has drifted unhelpfully) is not something that especially bothers me. My experience is that most people are well-meaning, so I tend to be intrigued by the question of why they think the things they do.

    Anyway, this is not a debate with a single correct answer. It is of course your right to shut out whoever you want, I won’t question that.

  • Assuming that “bigots” is not a synonym for “anyone I disagree with”, then fair enough.

    My underlying point is that technology is making it very easy to wall ourselves off into comfortable echo chambers. Some are even calling that “safety”. From my understanding of history, this looks like an obviously slippery and dangerous slope to be on.

    But if are talking about what most of your fellow citizens would also identify as “bigots”, then fair enough.

  • Sort of. Essentially I am saying that in a democracy we need to talk to each other, and sticking one’s fingers in one’s ears and chanting “lalalala I can’t hear you” seems like a poor way to go about that. These people can vote too. Like it or not, you have an interest in understanding what makes them tick and what might help them to see the world in a way more conducive to you.

  • Unsure if you’re even being serious here. The relevancy of the subject matter is not in question. The issue at hand is that people are downvoting opinions. Forgive my directness but if an opinion does not hold value in the context of the community, that seems to me just a waffly way of saying that the opinion is not welcome in the community without actually saying it.

  • but nobody’s voice would get silenced unless more people turned the knob down on them than up?

    So, a popularity contest of opinions where unpopular views do get silenced.

    The signal can be inhibited in exactly the same way by just not upvoting what you don’t want to see. Yes, it’s not as powerful as downvoting but then at least you’re not telling someone to sit down and shut up.

    For me, that is the real issue. Why are so many people so keen to hide opinions that they don’t like? Again: we are talking about viewpoints expressed in a thoughtful manner. Not irrelevancy, not insults, not incoherent rambling. They’re all fair game.

    Personally I find it disturbing that so many people are happy to invalidate and silence others. I don’t agree with you but you made your point well and it would never cross my mind to downvote you for making it.

  • Factually incorrect, sure. But do you not see that your other criteria are very subjective? Rights, suffering, decency, these are all slippery non-binary concepts. Others may define them differently from you. Presumably you don’t think that others are not allowed to have their own opinions, yet in effect you’re telling them that. I think I already know which way you vote and, believe it or not, I vote that way too. But in my understanding of history, treating the views of others as invalid is generally a dangerous path to be on.

  • Personally, I use downvotes to say “I disagree with this and/or it is a stupid/bad/bigoted/etc take, but I do not wish to spend the time and effort to respond and get dragged into a text-based mudfight

    So far, a great articulation of what (I guess) most downvoters are thinking.

    with someone who is unlikely to speak to me politely, no matter how polite I try to be in my rebuttal.”

    But I’m not sure you’re being honest with yourself here. Certainly not if you’re talking about my comments, which are always polite if sometimes a bit forthright because I’m a direct kind of person.

    I like having a way to say “no, bad, stop that”

    Nicely put, again. But then: why should your antagonist “stop that”? They should shut up just because you disagree with them?

    We come back to the crucial element: civility. If one believes in free speech, and the right of others to have their own opinions and to have a voice, I still see absolutely justification for downvoting a thoughtfully expressed opinion.

    I don’t agree with you here but I respect your right to have an opinion and I would never think of downvoting you for it. If that comes across as sanctimonious, so be it. I prefer to see it as just coherent with values. Which I’m sure you share, by the way.

  • This is an excellent point, very perceptive and well expressed, and the first time somebody has actually said it. I know it already and I do try to do as you suggest. The problem is that I have a bit of a combative personality so it’s a real struggle, especially when I feel I’m choosing my words very intentionally so that nothing is literally insulting or wrong or falsifiable. A combative lawyer basically, what could possibly go wrong? I often wish I could be more emollient and compromising in my attitude to others, I really do admire it when I see it in others. But alas personality is something very hard to change. So yeah, thanks for the insightful and constructive feedback. And take an upvote to add to your overflowing and deserved collection.