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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Then don’t provide housing at all, let the market be affordable enough that people can buy housing. All rental companies provide is a funnel to keep the impoverished from saving their money to buy a home they can’t fathom according anyways. Same thing with house flippers. Buying a shit hole and giving it a paint job should not make it worth 3x the value you bought it at. Affordable housing is not the job of citizens, it is the job of the government and the government is doing its job making said housing, more attainable through rent caps.

  • It’s a really pain in the rear to configure for anyone who doesn’t have a dedicated IT or an MSP. You have to get these DKIM and DMARC records from your exchange provider and then you have to configure them on your DNS host. If your DNS host isn’t modifiable you have to send requests to their support to get those records put in place and then they want to verify your records from your provider as well as a security measure. I’ve had clients that took us a week because of all the song and dance of DKIM and DMARC all because I couldn’t go in and add the records myself.

    Fuck you LOGIX you garbage company from the stone age. Let me manage my clients DNS records. 😤

  • DKIM is the standard for verification right now. This isn’t an anti-competition play. I manage DKIM records for my clients all the time. Yahoo, SB global, and At&t enforced DKIM requirements a few months back and it’s been a headache but it has made a huge difference in spam emails.

    For anyone who doesn’t know what DKIM is, it’s a method of an email provider getting a sort of green flag from the host domain name. So if you have an email address whatever@mybusiness.com and your email provider is Microsoft 365 and your domain provider is goDaddy, Microsoft says to goDaddy, “hey I’m sending this email, can you verify that I have permission to send from the domain my business.com?” And go daddy checks for DKIM records from Microsoft and sees it and says “yes sir, this is approved.” Then M365 sends the email, and if the recipient requires DKIM to receive the email at whomever@yahoo.com, Yahoo looks at the domain and asks, “hey goDaddy, it says you host this, is this email legit?” And goDaddy says “yep it’s all legit, give it to the recipient.”

    This effectively eliminates messages sent from a domain without DKIM records as well as spoofed emails because those spoofed emails never checked in when sending.

    I appreciate the skepticism but this is a security play, not a business one.

  • They aren’t seeing the money they spend on Twitter back in most cases. Twitter as an ad platform is honestly terrible. There is very little targeting and even less control over what ads and content you don’t want to be posted alongside. Facebook is terrible and evil and very no good bad but as someone who has used FB as an advertising platform, it is light-year beyond what you get out of Twitter. You can target your advertisements so specifically that you could effectively pin point a single user with the demographics settings alone. You want to advertise only to Russian grandmothers who live on farms in Michigan and play pickleball on the weekends? Facebook will get you there. On Twitter, you get next to no click through because the ads are annoying and irrelevant to the user. On Facebook, the clicks just come rolling in because users see things that they would have been interested in anyways.

    The thing everyone is missing in these headlines is why advertisers left in the first place. They aren’t leaving because there are horrible people on the platform and the CEO is a gobber with more money than sense. There are horrible people running these companies anyways. Anyone’s money is good to them. No, advertisers have left because Twitter refuses to improve in any meaningful way for the users or the advertisers. Why would I spend money on Twitter when that same money will get me 10x more clickthroughs and all of them by my target demographic on Facebook?