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  • 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • I guess; otherwise the order of commits would stop making sense.

    Fundamentally, Git doesn’t require commits to be dated (I’m assuming some things about the protocol here — there might be something in the source code that does a check, but my point will still stand). Version control only cares about the changes from one thing to the next. The time at which the change occurred is irrelevant for this end. Things like committer names, committer emails, commit times, commit messages, etc. are QoL additions on top of what I view as the base git protocol. I’m not sure if there is an RFC which outlines Git in more detail, though. If someone is aware of such a standard, please share it.

    unless you meant to auto-convert the local time to a unix timestamp, that could work. I’m overthinking stuff.

    Personally, that’s what I presumed they were referring to. Either that, or just storing a UTC time. Technically, I suppose storing UTC is effectively storing a timezone, but not in the sense of what this post is talking about.

  • When else would this matter?

    • When a committer doesn’t want their geographic location to be known.
    • When a committer doesn’t want their contribution activity to be known.

    commit contains your name and email address.

    That is a bit of identifying, yes, but, arguably, not as personally identifying as a timezone. Furthermore, the manual nature of entering a username and email puts the agency on the person to choose how they wish that commit to be identified, but the time is generally chosen automatically. Unless one is paying close attention to the commit log, it’s likely that many wouldn’t notice the timezone. It’s also possible, and completely forgivable, imo, for one to assume that the timezone is only shown client-side, and isn’t actually recorded; it is only when one looks at the documentation that they will see that the timezone is indeed recorded.

    these metadata can be freely manipulated

    This is essentially what I am advocating for if one is trying to improve the privacy of their Git contributions.

    and serve purely as information for other developers

    Who are you scared of seeing your time zone in a commit on a seemingly public code repository? This is such a pointless non-discovery

    Be careful about forming arguments from ignorance.

  • leak

    In case the usage of that word is core to your argument, note that I have changed it from “leaks” to “exposes”.

    So a documented core aspect of the tool is a leak.

    A service/tool being documented doesn’t necessitate that that service/tool is private. All large social media companies, which seem to universally be understood as the antithesis to privacy, have very detailed terms and conditions that outline exactly what those services do. Do you think those services should be regarded as private because what they do is documented…?

    Impressive research

    I’m not sure why the condescension is warranted.

  • When I use a website as a source, at the time that I access it for information, I will also save a snapshot of it in the Wayback Machine. Ofc theres no guarantee that the Internet Archive will be able to survive, but the likelihood of that is probably far greater than some random website. So, if the link dies, one can still see it in the Wayback Machine. This also has the added benefit of locking in time what the source looked like when it was accessed (assuming one timestamps when they access the source when they cite it).