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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • More like “sales teams are the reason middle managers think ALL employees slack off when not watched.”

    I get that sales is a SUPER depressing culture, a ridiculously antiquated work environment, and full of some utterly soul-sucking mandates from above, but I have never seen, in any workplace, a team that needs someone constantly riding herd on them like the sales team.

    Every place I’ve worked, every place that a place I’ve worked has had as a client, and every business I’ve ever visited had the same problem – sales people are largely unmotivated because their job has a much higher chance to SUCK OUT LOUD than most of the other jobs at a given company.

    When five figure quarterly bonuses, daily friendly team competitions for gift cards, more paid-for-by-the-company outings than the c suites get and pickle ball on company time twice a week aren’t enough to hype people up to do their actual job, something is really fucking wrong with the job expectations.

  • Some of it is about the "Why"s.

    Netflix nearly stamped out piracy for a while there by being a vastly more attractive alternative. Between them and Hulu, and to a lesser extent prime(at the time) if it was streaming, you could watch it somewhere at a reasonable price for a marginally reasonable viewing experience that was at least as good as most TPB downloads.

    Then the IP owners got greedier and decided to strike out on their own with the “everyone has a streaming service” model, which would be GREAT if they largely shared content, but they don’t.

    The greed continues, not in order to adequately compensate creators, but to make a few handfuls of people not just rich but filthy rich. Every action they take suddenly becomes more penny pinching for more greed. At this point lots of the CONTENT CREATORS wish they had a better choice (how often do they say ‘please watch it this way, that’s just how they rank stuff, sorry’?)

    Why is it the opposite with AI?

    Because in comparison with stuff like streaming video or music platforms, AI is BARELY pretending to offer a functional service in exchange for the greed that’s behind all of the money they’re trying to force it to make for them.

    And that’s just for one side of the debate.

    Why isn’t the fact that AI is largely garnering the same responses even from DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED GROUPS telling you something about how bad of an idea it is in it’s current incarnation?

  • The kicker there is … Nobody I know is going to think “wow, playback on this video sucks, I should disable my ad blocker”.

    Like, it wouldn’t occur to ANYONE I know that a piece of software we consider necessary could be the problem, ESPECIALLY if everything else is working fine.

    That’s not even number ten on the list of troubleshooting steps and most people don’t make it past one or two before giving up.

    WTF were they thinking?

  • I don’t believe so.

    As I understand it, he was an actually recovered addict, so it would be “fueled by the damage drugs had already done to his brain before he quit”.

    And I think it was crack.

    Not to defend the guy, but for a while there pre COVID, while I was doing some volunteer work, I heard from a connected volunteer that Mikey was donating cases upon cases of pillows to rehab locations in his home state, which, speaking as the bleeding heart liberal that I am who wishes we provided more for services like mental health and addiction, is pretty awesome.

    A tax write off is possibly just a tax write off, but for a while, at least, it’s possible he might not have been totally reprehensible.

    I mean, he also professed to be Christian and there was a stink about him not paying employees like four or five years ago too, so since the Bible has specific things to say about THAT behavior too, it’s pretty easy to draw conclusions but even people who behave like shit bags can perhaps sometimes be nuanced.

  • Suffering is completely normal and a true necessity if you are striving towards any sort of development of “self”.

    Most of what’s commonly referred to as “western” society does not typically see things that way, though. That’s part of why I personally think normalizing therapy by suggesting it regularly to people, even ones who don’t currently have “serious” problems is so important.

    Many of us did not get the “tools” necessary to deal with simple normal every day parts of life like suffering (in any degree) from either our parents, from people around us, or from society at large.

    That also means stuff like

    A therapist, really?

    Might deter someone who could otherwise benefit.

  • Huh.

    Maybe it’s just the games I play, but I mostly hear people in MMO’s ranting about steam and swearing they’ll never use it (or never use it again). At least some of these people have seemingly zero personal issues with Amazon gaming, arc, epic, gog, and a few other steam clones.

    I realize that by the numbers, steam is probably still the biggest, but unlike that early half-life debacle, most games are on multiple platforms now. Steam being bigger isn’t what I’d call monopolistic anymore, it’s just good sales on games and inertia.

    Given epic’s often BETTER sales, despite the fact that I really dislike the layout and functionality of the epic client, most of what steam has going for it is the deck and inertia.

  • Yes, but they have to keep associating “person of color” with “poor” and therefore “crime”. If they don’t keep lumping all non-white people in with other “undesirable” things, some of their followers might look around and realize that non-white people can achieve things on their own too, and that makes non-white folks start to resemble actual human beings a bit too much for their liking. If she was single, he wouldn’t be lauding any of her achievements. The unspoken belief is that women are as incapable as non-whites when there’s no husband involved. The dehumanizing and belittling narrative has to be constant with them or some of their followers might start thinking for themselves.

  • For those wondering about the upswing here:

    If the age verification movement goes unchecked, it’s possible that you could be forced to tie your government ID to much of your online activity, Gillmor says. Some civil rights groups fear it could usher in a new era of state and corporate surveillance that would transform our online behaviour.

    “This is the canary in the coalmine, it isn’t just about porn,” says Evan Greer, director of Fight for the Future, a digital rights advocacy group. Greer says age verification laws are a thinly veiled ploy to impose censorship across the web. A host of campaigners warn that these measures could be used to limit access not just to pornography, but to art, literature and basic facts about sex education and LGBTQ+ life.

  • I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

    Corporate culture is a malicious bad actor.

    Corporate culture, from management books to magazine ads to magic quadrants is all about profits over people, short term over stability, and massaging statistics over building a trustworthy reputation.

    All of it is fully orchestrated from the top down to make the richest folks richer right now at the expense of everything else. All of it. From open floor plans to unlimited PTO to perverting every decent plan whether it be agile or ITIL or whatever, every idea it lays its hands on turns into a shell of itself with only one goal.

    Until we fix that problem, the enshittification, the golden parachutes, and the passing around of horrible execs who prove time and time again they should not be in charge of anything will continue as part of the game where we sacrifice human beings on the Altar of Record Quarterly Profits.

  • Aside from one (seemingly very out of place at the time) early mention that the author used Bitcoin, there was no hint of it being pro-bitcoin until the very, very end.

    I found it to be a very worthwhile article right up until that point and even slightly intriguing from an academic perspective after that point.

    I despise the endless blind parroting of the typical cryptobro refrains elsewhere on the Internet when crypto is brought up and I still liked the article, so I wouldn’t write it off just because one guy with a cryptohammer inevitably sees the very real SMTP problem as a cryptonail in the end. It’s natural when you have a “solution in search of a problem” situation like we do with crypto (and block chain, and for that matter SharePoint. People with knowledge of a thing often try to use it to solve problems it probably wasn’t meant for.)

  • Because no one is answering you, “hawk tuah” is the nickname for a lady who got stopped by one of those annoying YouTubers/tiktokkers doing the old nighttime talk show “man on the street” gig, stopping pedestrians and asking them stupid questions in the hopes of getting an equally stupid or funny answer.

    The question was something like “what’s the most whatever thing you can do in bed with a guy that something something” or whatever, I forget the specific question because it reminded me of the crap you see on the cover of cosmopolitan magazine.

    Anyway, this gal says the functional equivalent of “spit on his dick(to lube him up)” only she says it like “you gotta give it that HAWK TUAH” making a sound like she’s Hocking up a huge lugey and spitting it out in the downward direction.

    She is now known as hawk tuah and I think someone is trying to put her on reality TV.