I’m interested in many things and I’m always side tracked by more things.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I mean, it’s a big comfort thing too. I have zero interest in walking or using public transport in negative temps or 80+ degree weather. I enjoy not struggling to survive a trip.

    There is actually a bigger city that spent in the ball park of 500k putting in a miles of a walking/bike path, less then 10 people showed up for it’s “grand opening” and it’s so unused there isn’t even trash or homeless camps. It was dubbed a waste of money.

  • I’ll continue to pay extra for a large truck. Handling, strength, towing, hauling. I’m positive I’ll get mostly downvotes but it doesn’t make a difference, I’ll still be driving my truck dozens of miles commuting every day! 9-12 MPG, pure diesel baby!

    • Handling & Enjoyment: I enjoy having something bigger, it handles great.
    • Strength: It’s not gonna total out going thru a fence or hitting a deer. (Confirmed)
    • Towing, Hauling/Payload: No rentals needed. Summer time fun with the boat, coolers, off roading, camping and so forth. Helpful to friends, saves them a buck. Great for work too. Oh and saving all the smaller cars who got stuck in the winter time, literally saving lives.

  • I’m in a very small town, we only have a bar. $100/mo for 500mb/s up and down, at least I actually get that though. Rarely is it less, but they also hooked us all up with fiber when they ran the fiber thru the center of the city. Price is also largely because they are literally the only internet provider unless you go with satellite – which I was considering but with the weather here…probably not ideal.

  • KrisND@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldWindows 12
    11 months ago

    I called it a bad bot because it’s become annoying, I strictly only use NewPipe on mobile because I like the features. I see this as nothing more than mass advertising with a bot to auto correct ppl.

    However, with the bots I’ve seen here both piped.video and piped.yt do not work on my desktop or mobile devices, I have tried troubleshooting it but it’s not worth too much time when I can just view the direct YT using adblock and still not have any issues.

    There is no reason the website should require me to turn off protections or other things if my current settings work on YouTube already.

    It is also annoying that I have bots turned off in my settings and for some reason this bot that goes around making messages is the only one I see anywhere.

  • What makes you think it’s “just to read announcement”. The initial post didn’t even mention announcements, nor was it the purpose of the discord. Yet that’s all you can seem to hold on to. It’s already been stated there was miscommunication on one announcement and that was that.

    Do you see the issue now or do you need help?

    This doesn’t even make sense because it appears you didn’t even read the original discord post or even have an understanding about it.

    A) It’s not a requirement to join discord, and never was made to be.

    B) Discord is of itself a community communication platform for IM.

    C) Millions of people actively use discord, it’s a popular platform and easier then others like Matrix. If it was something I didn’t already use, I would’ve never joined.

    Your message is filled with incorrect assumptions and it appears your unwilling to go find the answers that are even on the same page as these comments. It’s very surprising with the internet nowadays and people can’t even seem to find information that is right in front of them, yet they act like they already have the facts.