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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • For me has ubuntu and pop os just worked with all my hardware. I have tried manjaro (it broke often after updates so I gave up on it. This was maybe 5 years ago), arch (worked great but got tired of the tinkering), mint (never wanted to work with my wifi and Bluetooth adapter so I don’t have a ton of experience with it), debian (too long ago for me to remember why I switched), ubuntu and now pop OS for 3 years and I won’t switch. I have only had problems with yakuza 1 (couldn’t save and input delays were crazy) and mafia 1(all icons for the game pad were blank) . I also own a steam deck and play a lot of games on it without any problems. But I do not mod that much, skyrim is the only one I heavily moded and I played it on windows. Cyberpunk did I mod some on my steam deck to fix bugs but it was bellow 30 mods.

    Tldr; i am with kaldo! Pop OS is great! And yes I use Nvidia GPU and I have never had a problem with the drivers.

  • I am with you. We should use the ai as a tool to automate or remove things that is frustrating or in the way of the actual goal to help the customers. Plus I don’t think any model is good enough (yet) to act as tech support (they can use open ai if it was enough). I think ai is great as a tool tho. For example you can use it to go through a lot of documents of products, policies, other tickets and so on so the tech support person can find the relevant information faster. We can also use ai to create summerise of the call or take notes and so on. A lot of great potential to make everyone happier but I don’t believe in replacing actual ppl.

  • Not a db, I just want to share one reason that happened to the startup I was working at.

    The owners were thinking about keep business as usually which means paying more to the employees or scaling up which is very expensive, they only had small to medium sized companies as their customers(but many). Then this big company came from a different country, they were on a shopping spree buying a lot of companies(scaling up and taking over the market). The owners of the company I worked at were soon 65 or above 65 so they thought that it was a opportunity. Because if they sell then they don’t have to be worried about money after retirement. So they did. But they did think the company would be taken care of, but I think they also looked away from the bad stuff, wishing this would be great. Almost everyone left the company after a year or two (myself included), it was a sinking ship. Same goes for the other companies they acquired.

    Tldr; selling the company to get retirement money while hoping the company will be taken cared of. Took only a year for ppl to leave because of how bad it was.

  • I am getting scared… That is not a normal pay here for an experienced developer. Who gets over 10k a month?! Sign me up! I would say even 100k in a year is a lot for someone, 60k to 80k is a bit more normal. But we also get payed vacationdays (30 days) plus all of the payed holidays and half days, and payed sickleave (80% of your pay) and monthly pension (4-6% of the pay). But that does not cost 140k - 120k for a company, and that was low?..

    Everyone think this is normal in the us?!

  • I earn money so I don’t need to use my freetime for things I don’t want to do. For example I dont make my own fabric and sew my own clothes I buy them. So it is a trading, time (hopefully fun time) for money (work) and money for time (services and things). Money is pointless if I don’t use it. Why spend time working if I won’t use it to buy time? And sure Spotify profile me so they can recommend music that I may like and I am fine with that because that is how I find new music anyways. I don’t use services like Google because of their tracking and always try to use a browser instead of apps if possible so I can use ublocker. It is always a priority thing you know. I could live outside the society (off grid, no tech) if I don’t want to be tracked or I can let some services track me because it is a lot more convenient for me in the grand scale of things.

    Sure, being infected may not be a big risk for some I am only generalizing it. I am not saying you will be infected because I don’t know what sources you use I only said it is a risk. There are always malicious ppl and even trusted sources can be compromised and trusted companies with payed services. Just like it is a risk to jaywalk but it doesn’t mean you always risk your life doing so. But some are too naive like you said.

    Just to add I am not trying to convince you, I just like discussing topics and different perspectives. I wish you happiness too.

  • You can download the songs automatically or manually on Spotify if you wish. You can set it so it can only download the song when you are using wifi. You can also turn on being only able to listen to songs you have downloaded when you are not using wifi. It is very seamless. I am lucky and live in a country with dirty cheap data plans so I don’t even care for that. But it is nice it exists when I travel outside of my country.

    And pirating isn’t free, you and everyone who makes it possible for you to torrent is paying with your and their time and you are also paying for the risk for getting infected. But you do you I just wanted to correct the “free” part of your statement.

  • Are you saying it is fine if it is buggy or that it won’t be worse than other games? Because if starfield that seem to be a lot bigger than cyberpunk has as many bugs as cyberpunk did at release then I won’t be playing starfield for a while.

    But at least they patch their games for many years, skyrim even got new editions and special edition got their last bug patch last year. So I am not worried that it will be a buggy mess forever just that I have to wait a bit for it to be good enough to not be immersion breaking. Last thing I want is being frustrated because of bugs.

  • Some companies makes their apps a lot better than their website and you often get more and better features from a mobile users point of view. But I also prefer the browser because I don’t want to fill my phone with apps I use only once a week or less and I can use adblocker. But it is pretty nice to be able to jump between apps instead of jumping between tabs. I have a lot of tabs open instead of downloading their app and also stuff I want to remember or pages I use often. I try to clean it up but I always have an infinity icon instead of a number for my tabs 😂 I tried using bookmarks but it is easier to find the right page as a tab (big thumbnail)