What kind of shows are you able to watch when you already need to skim the first episode setting the mood/vibe of the show? TikTok?
What kind of shows are you able to watch when you already need to skim the first episode setting the mood/vibe of the show? TikTok?
Well, who needs bodily autonomy when you can just use slurs without repercussion. I really don’t get why you try to reason with free speech or self defense laws against against this intrusion of your actual freedom.
Being forced to keep a pregnancy going and then being forced to stay in marriage won’t get better when you can legally say whatever you want or shoot someone trespassing on your land…
I’m thankful for the protection, my poor laptop knows why. I was quite surprised that no superuser exists after regular setup. Thought I had forgotten my credentials (again) but they just were never set.
Maybe it’s about the ‘mostly read only’? That’s the only thing I don’t get.