and also that power is going to get spent no matter what anyway
Yeah but it leads to higher bills for consumers, and generators can get spun down, and it’s keeping fossil fuel plants open, etc.
and also that power is going to get spent no matter what anyway
Yeah but it leads to higher bills for consumers, and generators can get spun down, and it’s keeping fossil fuel plants open, etc.
I use Firefox Focus because operating a phone is hard. I guess I can switch it temporarily but that’s once again iffy.
Implementing the open source TOTP system would cost them money! They’ll rather keep paying SMS egress instead.
To be fair it’s probably way cheaper nowadays.
Plex never fixes stuff and it’s really bad. They don’t even have a feedback system.
The login process for Plex photos (Android) was near im impossible, because it used the browser which closed/if I went away from the app such as if I wanted to copy my passqord from my password manager. I wouldn’t be at all suprised if that wouldn’t change until way after stable release.
It would recognize that you don’t respomd well to ads and play more annoying ones as a result.
Mautrix Discord (look it up)
Oh R the programming language maybe? I wouldn’t know.
I don’t know. Why do you want a large user base?
Huh. I did not know that.
What about it
Did you blindly sign up for
The issue is the absence of being able to port forward in a lot of places. UPNP exists on some networks but it’s usually disabled. But if we want actual peer to peer we’re going to need to implement some way to accept incoming connections EVERYWHERE.
This is just a series of cases.
Oh that’s completely fine.
WhAt HaPpEnEd?
Its pretty obvious a dump truck was left raised.
Certainly not blinding someone stargazing as it reorients.
Maybe they got confused about total power usage (maybe) being more than the green power added?