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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • This is the nicest way someone’s put it. I’ve tried to switch to Linux three or four times but until there is a distro that makes it plug and play like Windows or mac its going to be a tough sell. I consider myself tech savvy enough (I can google things, and for goodness sake at the bare minimum I can cut and paste into the terminal) but the barrier for getting Linux to work is too high right now for a very large part of the population.

    I have W10 computer running the arrs and my plex server that I’m going to have to figure out as I can’t get W11 on it.

    I want to do it so bad!.. but I think I’ll probably just end up getting a new, used computer that can run W11

  • This is the craziest thing to me…

    I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I put my boots or shoes on at the door before I go out, and I take them off when I get home. If I get cold feet, I may put on slippers.

    Inside the house, I’m bare foot or in socks. If I take the trash out and it’s nice, I go out barefoot. If it’s snowy or frigid cold (I’ll leave the Winnipeg weather up to you for a fun google) I put on my boots.

    I don’t know anyone who wears shoes indoors unless they are elderly and need the support. It’s a sign of middle age / senior age living here.

  • I’ve had Samsung for around nine years. The thing that kept me married to them was the SD card slot. Now that it’s gone, after my Note 10+ stops getting updates, I’ll be looking at something else. I have the Samsung watch, buds and tablet but I’m assuming they’ll work with a pixle if that’s what I land on. I like the Samsung nearby share but that’s such a small thing and doesn’t keep brand loyalty. Otherwise, what do they offer that say the pixle doesn’t?