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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I would say pushing boundaries (and maybe to a lesser extent just pushing buttons) is categorically different than trolling.

    Trollings sole purpose is the reaction, to rile people up. You dont have any intention behind your words besides that. Or heck maybe you even lie to do it. “What if I post pictures of sad looking polar bears to Greta Thunbergs twitter account? Wouldnt that make her mad!? hahaha!” Thats a troll - Nothing is gained, nothing is learned, nothing is advanced.

    Pushing boundaries is something different. You can have intent, social movement, and a message with it. Star Trek pushed boundaries when they had an interracial kiss, it wasnt just for shock value or trolling white people. Ellen coming out on TV pushed boundaries without trolling people.

    Boundaries are generally placed by people for the purpose of holding certain groups back, and they deserved to be pushed and in fact broken. Trolling does none of that. Trolling is putting a flaming bag of shit on someones porch and ding-dong-ditching just to watch them get their shoe dirty. If they are old, fall over, and break their hip when they do it thats all the more fun to the troll.

    Pushing buttons… more on the trolling end of things, but probably done in a more playful way, maybe even to someone you know and hope to have a positive relationship with afterwards. But really its a more mild form of trolling

  • That doesnt really explain why Trump has such widespread magnetic appeal. That explains why they vote for republicans as a whole, or any individual republican running for president, but to me it doesnt speak to why Trump has become such a force of nature in the party to the point where he has basically taken it over and if those who do not grovel at his feet are cast aside. As he loses steam that is waning a bit, but man for a year or two he was king shit and no one could say anything bad about the guy, and even now people are obviously scared of him and his base

    I also dont think its entirely explained by the cruelty-loving post you replied to, but I do think its a much more emotional response than just the fact based information-silo explanation you’ve given.

  • I wouldnt quite go that far, but reddit has the numbers and thus they have the content. There are sometimes post that I will see for 4-5 days in a row on my “home page”, whereas on reddit its not out of the question to back 6-8 hours later and have a totally new string of content. Certainly every day there is a full, new page of links on almost any well populated sub.

    Kind of hard to stick around when that is the case

  • I think more Lemmy users need to learn that the upvote and downvote buttons aren’t meant to be used to indicate agreement and disagreement respectively, it’s to indicate if a comment is valuable contribution to the discussion regardless of whether or not you agree.

    Not saying I disagree in any way, but this will never ever happen. Its the same idea on reddit and its basically been a lost fight, its the “I like/dont like this comment” button 99% of the time, and I just dont see widespread adoption of the “quality of content” idea ever taking hold on a site that is open to the gen public.

    The same kind of applies to your 3rd point… Why people feel the need to add a 4,600 “I like firefox” to a thread about Chrome I will never know, but they do and always will.