Because it gives people a completely wrong impression. If you got your therapy covered by insurance and have availability that’s very good, but it’s a very rare fringe case.
I’d say maybe in general the German population is less affected by mental health issues (statistics also show that), but if you are in actual need of help the accessibility of counceling and care in Germany is abysmal.
The general consensus is that medical care in Germany is subpar, especially if you don’t have private insurance. There aren’t enough qualified doctors especially in rural areas. If there are, they are often overworked themselves. For most walk-in clinics doctors don’t even take their eyes of the computer screen, yet alone give you a proper diagnosis.
I’m not expecting Dr. House level of detective work, but for the most part, doctors have their mind already made up about your condition and balantly ignore any secondary symptoms until they become severe enough to be a problem of their own.
Since mental health can’t be reliably “tested” for, like you would with an MRI or X-Ray, usually, unless you bring a lot of money to the table it is just not even worth looking into by general practitioners to get a referal.
I don’t know if that has been enshittified or was has always been shit in the first place but:
Annotation Apps
Seriously, how hard is it to make an app that let’s me make markups, use a stylus, and share that across devices.
Exhibit A: Xodo
It was once free, with all the good features, but then they took those features away and implemented a subscription model.
Exhibit B: Drawboard PDF
Once, came free with a Surface Pro or was a buy once use forever software, until Microsoft took a away all the bought licenses and locked most features behind a paid subscribtion.
Exhibit C: Saber
Its free. It doesn’t use Windows Ink. Why even bother?
Exhibit D: Adobe Acrobat Reader
Hahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaa *Wheeze* hahahhhahaahahahaaaaa
Exhibit E: Microsoft One Note
Aneurism Simulator. You know how printing things suck because printers never play along? Microsoft decided to solve this problem by making printing out One Note sheets properly almost impossible on the software level. Also it can’t open PDFs properly or have normal A-Format pages. Either infinite drawing space or nothing.
Exhibit F: Samsung Notes
Actually decent. Free. Android Only. But at least it keeps the annotations separated from the PDF so you can still edit them after transfer. Good choice.
Are you nuts? I don’t know which farytale fantasy part of Germany you live in but Germany is basically in the stone age of psychology and mental health care, it’s almost non existent. Therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists are almost never covered by insurance and cost an arm and a leg to pay out of pocket. If (and that’s a big “If”) you’re lucky enough to get a referal from you doctor you’ll struggle to find a clinic that’s isn’t a 2 hour drive away and will still have to endure a waiting period of up to 6 months for a single appointment. And that’s if you manage to convince your doctor to actually take your mental health complains seriously in the first place.
You essentially have to have a full blown mental breakdown with police involvement to stop your doctor from laughing iit off when you mention that you don’t feel mentally well.
On top of that, if you begin a mental health care journey you’re insurance payment magically increases because depression is usually associated with an unhealthier lifestyle and higher risks of self harm (don’t forget, insurance companies are still buisnesses).
And on top of that, don’t ever and I mean EVER mention you mental health problems at work kr you’ll be first on the line when the company decides to push people out.
Come to think of it, in about 20 years I haven’t heard a single individual talk about their mental state - stranger or friend. It’s not like people hide it well, you can tell when somebody is depressed or stressed out. But people never talk about it, no matter how bad it is.
In the US on the other hand, the short time I spend there, 7 of the 10 people I actually knew by name told me they’re in therapy and taking meds for their mental problems. They literaly couldn’t shut up about it. Hell, even the University had a mental health counselor that was actually used by a lot of students.
The most common pills you find in a German household are Ibuprofen and Lacteeze (because we sure love our cheese) but never Prozac or Lexapro.
So no, the topic isn’t “extremly normal” and people don’t “openly talk” about it. There are no overwhelming number of people in therapy because therapist barely exist in Germany. And the amount it cost you will likely be the root cause for your depression anyway.
Sure, maybe if you’re from a wealthy family with excellent private insurance and access to private doctors and therapists in a gated community without any care for your future job security then maybe it’s a different experience. But for the average Jane/Joe, Germany is a depressive hellscape.
Nvidia’s biggest finacial achievement in their gaming branch was fairly simple, getting rid of the “Titan” nomenclature. That’s it.
Before we had the XX80’ cards and that was it. All you ever needed for gaming was a XX80 Ti. That was the top of the food chain. Nobody ever expected you to have lr need a Titan card - that would have been ridiculous. The Titan card was a mix between gaming GPU and buisness GPU. It was for people who didn’t want to buy a Quadro Series for work and additionally a GTX/RTX Card for gaming. The Titan was the best of both worlds but came with a high price.
But now the XX90’ Series is essentially what the Titan Series was. Except now owning a XX80’ Series doesn’t feel like top of the line anymore. Simply by having a card in a generation with a higher “number” than yours, feels like there’s still a higher tier to achieve or like you’re still in “mid” tier, essentialy. Enough people fell for it and started buying the XX90’ Series as if it where a requirement for modern gaming. And after the XX90’ Series became mainstream, game developers stopped optimizing their max setting for the “mid” tier cards. This I why cards like the 4070 Ti or 4080 S still dip below 60 FPS on 1440p on maxed settings in some titles. 60 FPS on maxed is reserved for a 4090 - maximum settings, maximum graphical fidelity, maximum power consumption, maximum price.
All that for just 40km of coastline access, so couple of filthy old dudes can get even richer.
Looks at my VW
*Erika intensifies*
The main risk is that you might like it.
C’est la vie. Because it is what it is.
I could go on a 6 paragraph rant about Breath of the Wilds inventory system.
Only Capcom games. Their demos give you a pretty good idea of what the fully game is going to be and are usually even improved upon. So preordering is mostly a safe bet. Plus you get some early access goodies (which you can also get after release for some extra shmeckles).
Capcom feels like one of the only multiplatform devs that are actually still making games for gamers not for shareholders.
Inventory Tetris
Can we pause for a second and think about how amazing our ears are? You can literally hear a needle drop in another room.
What’s the power level involved in that? Couple of micro watts? Plus the square cube law and you end up with nano or even pico watts reaching your ear.
And your ears dynamic range is literally from a needle drop to a chainsaw at full throttle.
Public Restroom Unflushed Poop Man
This gonna be your super hero origin story?
I tried it but I couldn’t get over the fact that there is no dedicated parry/block button. Also the game looks horribly dated with muddy textures and environments.
It doesn’t have the soul of a Metal Gear game. Its quite literally Bayonetta with a Metal Gear reskin. Metal Gears gameplay is mostly about player freedom. You have to get from point A to B and how you do it is up to you. Rising takes all of that away, just hack and slash to kill everybody. Its still fun, but definitely not a Metal Gear players cup of tea.
I had the same realization about 40K Space Marine (the old one). When it originally cane out I loved it, but I replayed it a few months ago and realized that its kind of bad. Its just corridor, arena, corridor, arena, corridor,… There’s not really anything to it, not even the story. Why is it so highly praised? Because back when we first played it we thought it was cool and nostalgia is a powerful thing.
I only played Rising recently precisely because back when it came out it deviated so much from the first Trailers. I wanted Metal Gear Solid 4 but with Raiden, but what we got was Metal Gear Devil May Cry.
You can skip percieved time by sleeping.
You can also alter time by going fast. Satellites have to account for time dilation for their positioning.
Depends on what stone you turn into. Slate or lime maybe. Granate or marble, no way.
People use fingerboards to give their turtles the Zoomies.
$600 <-> prolly three fiddy
Also true. But it’s funnier if you don’t see it that way.