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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Because of what I EDC (literally, just what I listed before, plus keys, phone, wallet, paper and pen), the toolbag at my work, and its contents, stays in my employee locker for weeks at a time. I did forget to mention a 4.5, maybe 5 inch folding pocket-knife, whict I use for … let’s say kiosks/“atm”/point-of-sale/arcade/digital signage repair … more than you, or even I when I threw it in the bag on a whim, might expect.

    Other than a pump, I’m not sure where my EDC falls short for biking, although I do also have a torque-wrench, metric impact socket-set, a couple large Crescent Wrenches, plus the normal oem-kit I keep in my SUV (unrelated, but plus my family’s roller-skates, swim-suits, sweaters, climbing gear, cargo-straps and towing stuff). That car is also the over-flow for stuff I don’t usually use in the garage or have too many of though. I actually despise all but the beefiest Crescent wrenches.

  • Those agencies are under the executive branch, and its been made very clear in the past that they prefer sneaking in backdoors to valid best practices.

    The NSA sabotaging the Elliptic Curve method of random number generation used in the RSA algorithm comes to mind. They would otherwise be THE experts to trust, but lets look at the others:

    FBI - Waco, Ruby Ridge, planned to assassinate Martin Luther King and so many others. CIA - promotes fascism internationally, causing all sorts of chaos in Latin America and the Middle East. Ever wonder how Komeni’s faction overthrew the Shah? The CIA decided he had gone soft.

    Germany is so trusting of the US on cyber-security measures that their government has been trying to ditch Windows for over a decade.

    TL;DR: In the US, government experts do NOT have your personal security best interests at heart. They can and will use any dirty trick possible to spy on and control both our own citizens and those of other countries. Last authories that anyone should trust.


  • I was gonna suggest there might be a “too dumb to program for the profit of others”, but … yeah, even if your pay and code is a financial detriment, we can pretty much promise it’ll be an insignificant portion of the money that company is costing itself. You gotta eat, and practice is practice.

    That said, advice remains the same: program on company time towards a path you don’t care about beyond covering your ass and trying to deliver what’s been demanded(I’m not saying don’t do your best, just keep it to what you can do on the clock), and see that as practice for passion projects on the side. Save a little bit of that no-fucks-given/objectivity for objectively testing and fixing your code - fix it like someone else made the mistake, and you can do it better, but at the same time something must ship(don’t let perfect be the enemy of good).