Why the downvotes?
Why the downvotes?
It’ll be out in a couple of weeks and then we’ll know exactly which prick has mommy issues over their code
I guess it doesn’t bother me much because when I’m using dongles I’m usually sitting down (work, home, in the train etc). YMMV
I can’t prevent capitalism. I’ll just do the best I can. Luckily, good dongles aren’t very expensive and I stay with the more budget IEMs. You might be different; I have seen plenty of Lotoo PAW Golds at CanJams, for example
The only headphone jacks worthy of good IEMs are Sony, old LGs and maybe DAPs. That Moondrop device might be an exception but I’d skip a dedicated device and instead buy something I can root and then attach my dongle to, to get around that pesky Android resampling.
What part of my suggestion would “get you shafted”?
Any cheap device with a bootloader that can be unlocked with a good dongle (check out the new SMSL dongle, looks cool)
You’re actually buying that Moondrop device? Let me know how it goes, seemed like a cool concept but I can’t trust them enough to get a mobile device done right
Use adb and see if you can flush those apps
Thank you
I’m all for this. All of this will be blocked on my devices anyway but for the greater good, this would be a great step to take
Adb time
That’s exactly what I do
The point is not to use Gmail at all, and forwarding it isn’t likely to help (this is in important places like work)
It’s about the YouTube platform. For the most part I don’t pay attention to the recommendations
I use an MP3 player to play music in a car and I don’t connect my mobile phone to the car at all.
Run a transparent encryption program and buy a Google drive subscription of 2TB for a year for $100.
Except the CLI hasn’t been updated in ages
I don’t think I follow. Your going to have to give me examples of what you specifically don’t like.
Don’t like spyware in your OS? Install a FOSS OS. Unfortunately, firmware is mostly still binary blobs (I’m looking at Framework to do something about this but they’re taking a heck of a long time).
You don’t call your loved ones? I’ve yet to hear of companies putting ads inside phone calls. If you’re using a chat app that spies on you but your family doesn’t give a duck about it, use a matrix back-end and self-host it.
The day AWS starts a Mistral-as-a-service is when OpenAI dies.