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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • If you have the option, I would suggest going to a Dr before assuming anything is the only plausible explanation.

    Personally, I found out about my neck / posture issues (even though outwardly I have decent looking posture so I never assumed it would be that), got some excercises from a physio and a completely different pillow, and that combo drastically reduced my headaches

  • Thank you for this link. The first article I read on this only gave Perry’s side of the story, so my first impressions were that he was an uber driver who turned a corner not expecting to see a protest, the protestors were worried about the car, and that one of them aimed a rifle at him.

    Nothing about his messages about wanting to kill some protestors, nothing about the witnesses all saying that the victim did NOT raise his weapon, nothing about the rifle being recovered with no round chambered and safety still on.

    Disgusting act, disgusting reporting, disgusting pardon. Thank you for your comment and link, truly.

  • Holy shit guys, take a breath and figure out what you’re arguing about.

    ME5SENGER_24’s comment was technically unclear (yes I think it reads the way they intended it to, but I can see how it could be read the other way), and (des)mosthenes thought that “Most useless bunch of assholes on planet earth’” referred to the protestors, therefore thought the comment seems like it is wishing that the cops had killed 50% of them.

    ME5SENGER_24 didn’t realise that their comment could be misconstrued, so lashes out at (des)mosthenes and calls them “fucking stupid”

    Now they’re both all worked up, mad at each other, and not realising they are on the same fucking side. Just… Take a moment, relax, try to see why someone might be confused, and talk it through. For fucks sake…

  • Like what?

    Pro Palestine people want Palestinian people to be freed from oppression. It doesn’t matter that the people currently oppressing them (most directly anyway) are Jews, it just matters that they are the oppressors.

    The far-right (the ones being discussed here anyway that are going to these events and spewing antisemitic crap) hate Jews because they’re Jews. On a different day I’m sure they’d be saying horrible shit about Arabs too.

    So, they might have “I don’t like Netanyahu” in common, but that doesn’t really warrant a loaded statement like “It’s almost like the far right and the pro palestine people share certain things in common” now does it