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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • If things would stop getting shittier, then yes. I’m not entirely sure that it applies here so I understand your annoyance, but you’re seeing “enshittification” everywhere because we’re seeing the practice of enshittification everywhere. I applaud it being called out. We shouldn’t be seeing higher prices for worse experiences, but that’s the current trend. If you’re tired of seeing the word, then it’d probably be a good idea to take a break from c/technology because I don’t think it’s stopping any time soon.

  • As a resident of Virginia, fuck Glenn Youngkin. He’s been a dogshit governor who has accomplished nothing and blocked all attempts at progress. When he eventually runs for president, I hope you all remember shit like this instead of saying “well at least he isn’t trump.” He’s not really any different except he isn’t as polarizing, which is why he is a bigger threat. The same hateful policies but in a prettier package. He fucking sucks. Don’t fall for his bullshit. He campaigned on lowering grocery bills and obviously did fuck all about it because let’s be real, he was never gonna do anything about that, he just knew that people were complaining about it. He has no ideas that will help you in any way whatsoever. He’s a useless piece of shit and I’m looking forward to salting his grave.

  • I know a Sysco burger when I see one. Normal burgers aren’t chode cylinders; Sysco burgers have goddamn right angles. They taste like they’re about 40% gristle. It’s basically just the “technically beef” parts of dollar store dog food pressed into the vague shape of a burger patty. The paper that separates the frozen turd patties is better, both in terms of flavor and nutrition. Fuck Sysco burgers. If Sysco reads this and doesn’t like what I have to say, they can go fuck themselves until their asshole is as fucked up as a Sysco burger eater’s asshole 93 minutes after their shitty lunch.

  • he has a highschool masturbation related injury that causes one of his arms to constantly ache

    Source? I’ve never heard of this (never cared much about him or Twitter) and tried to look it up, but I’m not seeing it anywhere.

    I don’t understand how anybody can do something for a while, make millions or even billions off of doing that thing, and then they try to do other things to make more money and stay in the public eye. Just buy an island and fuck off for your remaining decades of retired decadence. What more could you want?

  • That’s just because of all the surgery Ivanka has had. She looked like him like 30 years ago. Barron looks like if you uploaded pictures of Melania and Donald to one of those programs that would tell you what your child together would look like. I have hope yet that Barron is capable of not being a piece of shit. He’ll get no hate from me until he deserves it, and honestly with parents like his I feel like I can give him a few passes while he’s maybe too young to know better than to just do what he’s been taught. I want so badly for him to be decent against all odds.