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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • I wasn’t necessarily thinking the law would protect the person who did this, but pondering if the existence of that legal framework does not create the impression that this is acceptable, even though it isn’t and that’s not what the law is.

    And also, i do understand this isn’t applied everywhere in the US, but to me I see the US as a country. As a foreigner it’s probably very unlikely I’m going to refer to it as the law from Connecticut or whatever. I just know this law exists in the US and to be fair I’m not really that interested in knowing specifically where and the nuances of state to state legislation.

    But nevertheless i thank you for clarifying the difference between Stand your ground and Castle doctrine and reminding me that it’s not a national thing.

  • This is why stand your ground laws can’t realistically exist in places that aren’t sparsely populated. Because someone will read “defend your property and life with force if necessary” as “act as a raging lunatic and attempt to shoot anyone who comes at the door because it’s legal to do so if you claim you were defending your property, even though there was no indication of actual imminent danger to property or people”.

    In my country we don’t have stand your ground laws. You can only defend yourself in case of an attack, but not drive away a thief. You’re supposed to run and call the police, but I keep wondering if a legal framework like the US where you weren’t legally punished for attacking a thief in your house wouldn’t be fairer but then there’s news like this.

  • I honestly can’t understand that. Discussion boards are where opposing views come to clash. That’s what creates meaningful dialogue. I am politically centrist and i find myself sometimes agreeing and disagreeing with the left and the right. What these people mean about “right wing hives” is forums where conservative opinions exist.

    If we’re just creating spaces that share only one political ideology, where we ban everyone disagreeing, how can we ever learn from each other ? What value is there in spaces where opinions are homogeneous and we only see people shouting opinions over the wall to the other group ? It’s just a circlejerk at that point, and i have nothing against circlejerk per se, it’s just that politics is very ill fitting for such types of forums.

    Since the times of Greek democracies and republics, disagreement and factionalism has been a part of growth for political discourse. I believe we shouldn’t shy away from that at all.

  • Mods absolutely made reddit unusable for me. I mainly lurk in the news subreddits and they’re all the same. I got perma banned and instantly muted on some news subreddit i don’t really recall for saying an article’s title was clickbait. I got perma banned on worldnews and news for different instances of criticizing Israel.

    I even tried using the platform to do other non politics things, like commenting on those am i wrong type of subreddits and got perma banned for not being supportive. Got banned in about half a dozen, despite never being there, for commenting on other subreddits.

    I honestly cannot understand how people use the site without being permabanned nearly everywhere. You don’t even need to be combative. They use permaban for literally any minor infringement or disagreement that turns up and then mute you if you try to discuss it. It’s so frustrating. Thank goodness for Lemmy. There’s a lot of weird propaganda here, but at least you’re not permabanned.

    Everywhere little by little is becoming like this. Youtube keyword snipes your comment and never tells you anything about it. It’s hard to find places to discuss the hard subjects now. Everything is for the advertisers.

  • We’re billions of people on the planet. Most jobs don’t even pay enough to feed a couple of people. I believe that there is an oversaturation of people on the planet and this has caused a devaluation of their labor.

    Europe would have remained feudal for quite a longer time if the population collapse caused by the black plague hadn’t happened and caused the demographic changes that it did. Without the plague, peasant labor would be plentiful and the status quo would not have changed. However, with the population reduction, the class in power had to concede to enough changes that brought about the Reinassance and the Industrial era quickly after.

    In the Bronze age, without the climate changes that brought about cold and dry conditions and triggered the fall of the city states ruled by an oppressive theocratic class, humans would have still been tied to those stifling conditions for longer and wouldn’t have brought about the classical era.

    With the onset of AI and advanced robotics, population collapse will allow people to see their labor valued adequately, instead of just more and more people in the workforce working more hours and getting paid less and less, doing meaningless busy work jobs to pay for things that they don’t need or enjoy, like crypto, gambling or online cam girls. A controlled collapse by fertility is not only non threatening, it is also desirable and the most acceptable way to cull numbers a bit. We need this, otherwise, the base of the pyramid will only get wider while the top will only get slimmer. Tragedy breeds suffering, but also change and we NEED change. The problem is the transition, but after the transition, we’ll be in a better place as a society and we will bring about change.

  • Might as well sue the ISP as well. Who else can parents blame for their lack of competence and awareness in what their children are doing in an environment where they can communicate, apparently in an unfiltered manner, with adults ?

    It’s really funny. Companies have made all sorts of lockdown programs and monitoring software anyone can purchase for any operating system and then there’s parents blaming other entities for the fact that they have decided not to use those programs.

    We chose not to have kids, but still we are apparently saddled with raising the kids other people chose to have. It’s like having a toddler and no door, then your toddler walks into traffic, dies, and you blame the city for killing your toddler. That’s UK law for you.

    The guy in the article had the child send him 220 pictures right under a mother and father’s nose before he was caught. A child who, by the way, was 11, barely a teen. Holy terrible parenting, batman. These people should lose custody immediately.