Ironically, would that be a Happy Meal?
Ironically, would that be a Happy Meal?
Trump and MAGA politics
Maybe the language we use to describe them is itself normalising and pacifying. Like calling a Nazi salute a “hand gesture.”
I would suggest “a criminal dictator and fascist politics” as a substitute in your sentence to provoke an acceptable, proportionate reaction.
IBGYBG: Motto of the leadership of the Democratic Party
Guess you shoulda done something about that Joe. Like say, when you were president?
I mean, without further context I assume Laura and Joe both organic and artists, so couldn’t the butt plugging be is less a manufacturing and more a per-hour rental-type business?
It’s a much darker version of the Parks and Rec episode Sex Education. I hope this DoH has a Leslie Knope…
You won’t know that till you put yourself out there. Believe in yourself!
let’s just not have doctors
Why not? Bunch of liberal elites anyway. Probably Jewish or turning kids trans or something too.
Instead, for a small monthly donation, Pastor Jim can write you a prescription for Jesus! If that doesn’t work, you were a sinner anyway and God wanted you dead. Perfect system, praise be, onwards to greatness America! /S
Heya honey, looking for a good time? I use Arch btw.
Every time I am reminded that she was a chemical engineer, I picture Thatcher as a more-demure-yet-viciously-effective Yzma.
Edit: And Mr. “Too Tall To Be A Bus Driver” John Major as a blond Kronk?! Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.
Also, a lifetime supply of peanuts to all residents who aren’t allergic 🥜
And my axe ass!
Nobody should be able to do that.
Restricting freedoms too?! You must be one uhv them commi an-tee-fah immigrants takin’ up all our jobs and unemployment benefits! Stay away from our cats! … unless they belong to childless women, then it’s fair game! /S
Whoa whoa whoa, building codes? That’s just costly red tape! How will builders see ever increasing profit margins with all this government bureaucracy?! Remove the building codes entirely, let the Free MarketTM do an invisible handshake with Jesus, and the rest will take care of itself /s
Maybe it can barely run a web browser because it’s working so hard spying on you?
Not until we can blame it on a scapegoate group. E.g. “Spanish” flu.