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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


    1. Had your same exact issue, and after jumping through hand-made solutions and countless clients i finally found a client that works perfectly out of the box for screen sharing with audio, has no other issues and comes with the big plus of having customization plugins Vesktop (i think its on flathub too so if your distro ships that probably get it from there).
    2. Had the same issue here too and yes, while my “main” game got recently proton verified and i could finally get totally rid of windows, there are some few (BattleEye mostly) games with no anticheat support.

  • Google sure is creating a lot of Pixel-fanboys by instilling this myth that if you dont get daddy google’s precious over-the-air updates delivered to your phone in 30 seconds after their release your phone might be at great risk®™ (exactly like if you dont let google play store scan the apps on your device to look for malicious software, like F-Droid, a common known attack vector).

    Because surely Fairphone users are all government officials with nuclear codes and Kim Jong-un’s nudes saved in their notes and teams of indian hackers are 24/7 waiting for a security update to release, so they can unpack the zero-day-vulnerabilities before fairphone gets their release-cycle

    Can you please elaborate further on this “component lifespan” thing? Because I think they were quite clear on the processor life cycle.

  • The process is broken if the people you rely on suck. It is inevitable that someone, in a form or another, will be representative of the group of people you are part of (may it be a dictator, an influential priest, or an elected representative); we have the luxury of living in (somewhat?) democratic countries. The way out of surveillance misuse is making (or forcing) our politicians pass laws that restrict what companies or agencies can do with our data, or how they can use them. I think spreading awareness about this topic is the most effective way to push these kind of rules in effect.

    While individualistic “guerrilla privacy” might be effective for yourself, it’s like a band-aid on a broken bone. If 99% of the people around you don’t care about it, or simply are unaware (family, neighbours, friends), you will join the surveillance system no matter what: from a family member uploading your details to meta, to a stranger taking a picture with you in it and posting it, to your neighbors ring camera, to your friend’s iPhone constantly scanning the surroundings to report nearby devices (your phone, for instance) to “improve location data”.

    If there is no laws that prevent evil actors from misusing this power, really little changes in the bigger picture by you using signal or protonmail (while you should do it, don’t get me wrong).

    EDIT: i know this will be controversial, but to me this is a good metaphor for it: the world is slowly getting hotter due to companies just caring about profits and politicians passing no laws to reverse the process, while instead actually taking bribes from those companies to not do anything about it (look, look, it’s the same duo again) and your solution is… You dig an underground bunker to survive the next heatwave/hurricane.

  • This is the first time I will be on this other side of this argument, but let me disagree. The technology behind it isn’t inherently bad, it’s the people running the system having access to it that scares us. Take Snowden for example; when he exposed what the NSA was doing with US citizens data (with the help of big companies), do you think he meant that the internet or security cameras are the threat? They sure as hell are a good vector, but you don’t trash nor blame your pc for being the mean though which that is achieved. The problem is who we put in power and how we held them accountable for misusing it.

  • I feel like it is still too early to talk about “AI cannibalization” or “feedback loops” as that would mean that a big proportion of the training data is AI-generated content itself, against all the rest that could be scraped off the internet or the public domain, I don’t think this is happening yet.

    What people might experience instead, and perceive as dumbness, is that given that the datasets used to train AIs cannot really change that much in a short time (unless we wait for another hundred years so humans can produce actual human original content to train the AI again), and as the mathematical models used to build answers based on the datasets are pretty much the same, a person talking with ChatGPT will over time perceive more and more that the answers are built using a “pattern” or a “structure”, aka the model derived from feeding the dataset into the AI training itself.

    Just my pennies on this, let’s also consider that is in human nature to be excited for something new that sounds cool, and then to get bored when you got accustomed to it and pushed it to its boundaries.