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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • The original and a still large instance is Lemmy.ml. The ML meaning Marxist Leninist.

    Yeah I know, I subscribe to some communities there.

    They even preemptively ban accounts who post outside of their instance if you say truthful things like NATO is a defensive alliance, Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine, or China is being imperialist themselves in SE Asia.

    I will test this then! Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine and Putin is a cunt. Stalin was a monster. I’ll make similar comments over on ml at the next opportunity. (Edit let’s see how it goes https://lemmy.world/comment/11002066)

    Just to be clear. I don’t doubt that there are normal people here who are pro Russia or are tankies. What I doubt is that real people are being paid money to “influence the conversation” on this relatively obscure platform. That’s all

  • This is just the “I won’t vote for Biden because Israel refuses to sign a ceasefire” bullshit all over again.

    This is incredibly disingenuous. More like “Because he is arming, supporting and diplomatically protecting a genocidal government.” We know it’s not his fault Israel are assholes, it’s the stuff he is doing that is the problem.

    They have no problem whatsoever with Trump’s policies. They have no problem whatsoever with project 2025.

    My brother in christ why do you think we want Biden to actually be a good candidate?

    Genocide supporting, doddering old Biden is a much better candidate than the unhinged far right felon that wouldn’t know the truth if it pissed on his face, BUT HE NEEDS TO WIN THE ELECTION FIRST. If being not as bad as trump was enough Hilary would have won.

    It is precisely because I hate trump so much that I want Biden to be better. If you are in a debate with Trump and most people watching think you lost, you fucked up big time. The pigeon you’re playing chess with might have shit on the board and felt like he won, but you should have at least done enough so that the audience watching this didn’t fucking agree with him.

  • I mean if Hamas and Israel both consider it a ceasefire, let’s by all means ignore that and defer to a random Lemmy user.

    I’m not asking for deference, we both just found examples of continuing conflict. Why would you describe this as a ceasefire? You don’t need to believe me, just use your brain.

    If two people are punching each other in the face but insist they are not fighting, what do we believe: them, or our own eyes?

    It is obvious. Those hypothetical people are fighting. And likewise, there was no ceasefire.

  • I was born in the UK but with a West Indian and an actual Indian grandparent on one side. Lived there my entire life up until relatively recently. There were still people who would consider me not British. When people either in the UK or where I live now ask where I’m from and I tell them I’m British, there are many people who say “but where are you really from?”

    But it doesn’t mean anything if I say I’m Jamaican, or Indian, because one I’ve been to for some odd trips as a kid and the other I only transferred through an airport. Yeah my DNA shows that, but my entire life has basically minimal connection to either of those places and a continuous connection to Britain.

    I got the accent and the passport, but I didn’t get the skin colour. So these people will always exist who want to make it seem like I’m not “really” British. But that is on them, not me. I am British, whether they like it or not.

    This is really a long winded way of saying: there will always be some people who consider you not truly British. Fuck them. They are idiots that have at best shackled themselves to some outdated view of what it means to be “British” and at worst want to shutter the whole country off to anyone who doesn’t look or speak like them and pull us all back to the stone age.

    I think if you speak to people you are close with about this they would consider you British. If you speak with Baz down at the Red Lion he’ll ask you for a pierogi and then fall asleep in his own vomit after a few too many pints of carling. I think Baz is much less important than all of the real people in your life and most of all, the way you view yourself.