They already used GigaDrive for their 3D Classics games on the 3DS.
They already used GigaDrive for their 3D Classics games on the 3DS.
Martin Hollis, but Doak was co-designer.
(Also it’s crazy how short credits were back then. I left a Ubisoft credit scroll going a few years ago and I swear it took 45 minutes.)
The site seems to be focused on tabletop and board games, so I guess they assumed their target audience already knew what it meant.
Are you sure about Giant Bomb? AFAIK Jess, Jason, and Bailey were all laid off by Fandom. The GB crew even spoke about being caught off-guard both times, and how bad they thought those layoff decisions were.
And the follow-up, Big Gas Savings:
Check the URL. The site clearly changed the headline after OP posted.
Pet food.
The term you’re looking for is National Emergency Library.
The suit includes boosters on her back. Presumably they rev up to cushion her landing.
Ah, a co-op install.
Cool. Reminds me of kkrieger from…20 years ago? Where’d that time go.
Scam. Note the low user score too, and user reviews saying how bad the app is. The official site is if it’s not listed there (which this isn’t), don’t trust it.
You don’t say.
“I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora.”
Pong is over 50. For that matter, Tennis for Two is coming up on 70.
Wait, someone actually made Smart Pipe?
Sorry, but Acclaim really was that wild for a bit there. They also had a promotion where you’d get a free copy of one of the Turok games if you named a newborn child after him. For what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone took them up on either offer, but it certainly brought in the publicity.
I hate the term “Quadruple-A”. The entire point of Triple-A was to be the biggest of the big. There’s no cap on that size.
That ended up being a myth. It really does use that extra RAM.